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How Mental Health could be different

Therapists could be more regulated / accountable

Mental health services could be on-demand / walk-in / virtual

Therapy could be through walking

Dogs / pets could be prescribed for depression

"Feral nights out" / doing "vice-like" things could be good for mental health

South Korean / Chinese / Japanese school culture could be too intense

Hysterectomies could be overprescribed / affect women's health / unclear

Pharmaceutical companies could make safe and effective marijuana / psychedelic drugs

Hormones, antidepressants, steroids, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals etc. could be removed from drinking water

Outdoor cats / toxoplasmosis could detrimentally change brains and affect pregnancy

Diagnoses of ADHD / the autism spectrum could help people

Human beings could have more touch / massages could be affordable and accessible

Subconscious thoughts/emotions could be sorted out

Social prescribing / helping others could be used for depression and mental health

Athletes' mental health could be addressed / protected

A self-care emergency kit could be developed

Shaking/dancing could be good for health

Meditation / daily routines could include smiling throughout the body

Anxiety could be an addiction and habit

Languishing could be between flourishing and depression

Singing could improve respiration rates, lung health, and well-being

Horses could be therapy / meditation

Therapy sessions could be reality TV or podcasts

A tea ceremony could be meditation

Social media could be replaced with blogs and RSS

Awe walks could boost moods

The body could keep the score / feel emotions

Drumming could heal

Body posture could affect physical and mental health

Birth control pills could have adverse side effects

Martial arts could ease bullying and aid mental health

Mental health conditions could vary across cultures and history

Emotions and mental conditions could be contagious

Therapy/counseling could have negative effects

Grounding / earthing could be beneficial to health

Crying could be beneficial to health

Positive affirmations could lead to positive life outcomes

"Untranslatable words" could expand cognitive and emotional horizons

Creativity could help with mental health

Brain scans could diagnose psychiatric disorders

Community health workers / entrepreneurs / mentors / volunteers could improve health outcomes

Community beautification could create economic development, lower crime, and raise quality of life

Psychiatric medications could be harmful when over-prescribed and taken long-term

Apps, videos, or podcasts could guide meditation and calmness

Peers could offer low-cost / free counseling

A "Friendship Bench" could be a tool for positive mental health

Breathing techniques could lead to health and athletic benefits

Wilderness treks could help with personal growth and mental health

More trees could be planted

Communities, schools, homes could have gardens and/or food forests

Dancing could improve brain health and well-being

Choirs could be open-access and drop-in

News could be good / positive / solution-oriented

Sniffing lavender could reduce stress and anxiety

Free health clinics / counseling could be available

CTE could be addressed, prevented, and treated in different sports and the military

Communities could have public baths

Mental illness and depression could be a result of societal structures

Psychiatric labeling could be harmful

The DSM could be influenced by pharmaceutical research grants

Psychedelic drugs / plant-based medicine could help with mental health issues, PTSD, peacebuilding, and addiction more effectively than current psychiatric drugs

Improv courses could help with anxiety, confidence, conflict resolution, leadership, and innovation

Running / exercise programs could people who are homeless / have mental health issues / prisoners

Blankets could be weighted