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How Athletic Performance / Training could be different

Sodium, potassium, magnesium could be the important nutrients in electrolyte / sports drinks / low-carb diets

Pickle juice (acid) could stop muscle cramps

Tart cherry juice ("sleepy girl mocktail") could help with sleep / arthritis / muscle recovery

A silent inner voice could be cultivated to deliver peak performance

Panoramic vision or optic flow could reduce stress

10,000 hours of practice could turn into expertise

Electronic stimulation could create faster muscle recovery and pain management

Red light therapy could be targeted

Hypnosis could be used for variety of things

Athletes' mental health could be addressed / protected

Hyperbaric oxygen chambers could have health benefits

The 33-33-33 rule could be applied to athletic training and goals

Rituals could help in times of stress and uncertainty

Drinks could have electrolytes without sugar

Energy / sugary drinks could be swilled rather than swallowed

MCT oil could be beneficial to diets

Foam rollers could be used for flexibility, athletic performance, and myofascial release

Breathing techniques could lead to health and athletic benefits

Percussive massage therapy could relieve pain and aid in sport recovery/performance