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Country / private clubs could not discriminate / receive tax benefits

By Hicbd
Sat Jan 7 2023 11:32 am

"Discrimination by bona fide private clubs is legal. It is a constitutionally protected activity under the First Amendment. In balancing individuals' freedom of association with civil rights laws, Congress specifically exempts private clubs from protections otherwise afforded to certain protected classes. Laws in the United States, however, go further than balancing and protecting the associational rights of private club members, and this article analyzes and critiques these additional protections. Discrimination by private clubs, which would be unlawful but for the private clubs' exemption from civil rights laws, is often subsidized through government-authorized tax exemptions. Most private clubs are nonprofit and therefore exempt from paying federal income taxes."


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U.S. Taxes Women / Girl Issues U.S. Discrimination / Racism Golf Discrimination / Racism / Prejudice Social / Country Clubs HR Diversity and Inclusion (DEI) Anti-Semitism


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