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Course syllabi could be available online in a searchable format.

By Sam

An online database of course syllabi from colleges and universities all over the world could be available online in a searchable format. That would help prospective students find out more about academic programs or subjects they are interested in, and help educators find out what other educators are doing.


Education Website / Blog / App / Startup Idea Universities / College Syllabi


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Solar mobile charging

By Shilpa

Along with the normal electric charging, it would be so great if the mobiles can be charged in sun. So if we are on a beach or in a park we don't have to think about battery getting low. With so much dependency on phone these days it has become imperative for companies to start thinking about how the battery life can be improved or find out alternative means to charge.


Mobiles Cell Phones


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Making it easier to find good books in QC

By Loren

It would be better if the science section of an unnamed library had some indication what books were popular, such as a star on the binding or something. I know, "unprofessional", but these days, things need to "pop", mainly because so much is competing for our attention.


Libraries Queens College


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We could have a site that helps us find better books

By Loren

Sometimes, university libraries have like 15 copies of a book in various editions. That is a good indication that it is a good book. We could keep track of discoveries like this on a web site.

I don't know, but the book was well written.


Libraries Website / Blog / App / Startup Idea


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School Gardens/Mini Farms

By Jason

Every elementary, middle, high school, and college should have a large garden or mini farm that produces fruits, veggies, herbs, ect... by the teachers and students.

Schools have plenty of ground space to cultivate such a thing. The town I grew up in had about 6 elementary schools, 1 middle, 1 high school. That could make up for 8 mini farms all supplying their own cafeteria and putting people back in touch with the roots of where their food comes from. Schools could have farmers markets to sell to locals and food establishments.




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Sadek Alam

By Sadek

I am a teacher. Whist sitting at home on a hot bank holiday and doing some marking on past papers I came across this ingenious idea that will solve teachers time, energy, effort in marking. Students all over the world who are sitting GCSEs and A levels in the UK do many past papers. The solution I have will benefits teachers all over the world in many countries. The idea is very simple. You can write the answers on a device like a tablet pc for example mini ipad or even traditional computer. Then this is linked to a modern electronic teachers ink stamp. The answers written on the pc could then be sent to the teachers ink stamp. The next step is the ink stamp is then used by the teacher on the past exam papers on mistakes made by teaches. There are huge commercial benefits to this idea in countries like Germany, USA, France and many more.
Sadek Alam




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Bringing Kind Voices Together

By David

In a time of terrible tragedies that leave us all feeling helpless, it is important for kind voices to come together and be clearly heard.

To do this we are wanting to create a series of local talents shows that asks people to reach down and connect with their best selves to produce kind words and music. The 2nd and 3rd links on this post has examples of what we are hoping to receive.

Our other goal is to raise awareness for our program, whose mission is to make our world a kinder, more connected place one conversation at a time.

We are looking to connect with local civic and religious groups, radio and tv stations to help organize and promote these events. We are also hoping to get a celebrity spokesperson.


Community Development / Building / Loneliness U.S. Mental Health Services


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Social Security - Progressive Retirement Age

By Peter

Raising the retirement age further for Social Security (its currently scheduled to be 67) is a non-starter for most liberals. Its correctly pointed out that the less affluent die at a younger age and often work in industries which are too strenuous to allow for later retirement.

My idea would enable people at the low-end of the benefits spectrum to actually begin collecting SS earlier than current law while those at the higher end retire later.

The idea is to simply place benefit dollar caps at various retirement ages. A simplified approach would be to set the benefits cap for retiring at 65 at a level where 30 percent of beneficiaries are scheduled to receive less than this amount. (The cap would be $1,000 per month if 30 % are to receive $1,000 or less and 70% are schedule to receive more than $1,000)

We might put the cap for 67 years at the 60% level, 68 years at the 75% level,69 years at the 90 % level and then no cap for 70 or beyond.

So, basically anybody who chooses to retire before age 70 will receive the lower of (the cap for the age they selected or their scheduled benefit. Once they select their retirement age this will be their base benefit forever (subject to cola increases etc)

The affect of this will be to allow lower income beneficiaries to retire at an earlier age without incurring any penalties. The bottom 60% of the distribution can retire at the currently planned retirement age of 67 without incurring any penalty. Only those in the top 40 % will need to retire later to receive their full benefit. The top 10% will need to retire at age 70 to receive their full benefit (of course they can choose to retire earlier at the reduced benefit levels set by the caps)

Obviously the caps could be adjusted, the ones I chose were just for illustration. I believe that this plan would save tens of billions per year (more than the chained cpi) while shielding 60% of the beneficiaries from any reductions in benefits and allowing the bottom 30% to actually retire earlier.


Government U.S. Social Security


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Making Cars With Magnets.

By Edward

My idea proposes that we as a society could potentially make cars with magnets so that we could rid our lives of the need for oil. All that would be needed is to put large magnets on the sides, front, back, and bottom of the car. You don't even need tires because the car would float and be stablized by the side, rear and front magnets. The roads would have magnets in them of the same pole so they would repel each other.


Cars / Automobiles


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Naomi I thought of that, too- another benefit is that car accidents would be prevented if the cars repelled each other. Are you saying that we wouldn't need oil because the road's magnetic field would pull the cars along?


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App for Couples, MADE by Couples

By Nathan

Our plan is to give this idea a major overhaul, start the app from scratch, and build it the way that YOU want - with the features YOU want! We will first look to build a simple, successful iPhone app and expand to other mobile devices from there! We would also like to create a website with the ability to display "Family Vacation" or "Date Night" photos. Development will start as soon as we receive the funds! We are taking this app to a new level, but we CANNOT do it without you!


Apps / Mobile Applications


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