A digital library / wikipedia could be provided in areas with unreliable, slow internet
Wedding dresses could be in a library
Abandoned bikes could go to the poor / developing countries
Libraries could be public / community spaces
E-books / audiobooks could be rented online for free
Libraries could have workstations for caregivers
Libraries could eliminate fines or ask for donations
Bookmobiles could increase access to books
Ben Franklin circles could help inspire citizenship and community building
"Summer slide" could be addressed for better educational outcomes
"Learning landscapes" in commonly used areas / playgrounds could help boost education and literacy
Libraries could assist people with jobs and public benefits
Schools could have a well-run school library
Books could be available in vending machines
All children could receive automatic library memberships
Libraries could contain things other than books
Libraries could be made out of sketchbooks
Libraries could be free and little
Making it easier to find good books in QC
We could have a site that helps us find better books
"Imagine a Digital Library in Every Bus or Train"
Libraries could lend out "living books"