Group runs / walks could have coffee / breakfast afterwards
Therapy could be through walking
Strangers could meet for meals
Citizen-led emergency response groups could be formed
Seniors could have a march of hats
Strangers could share inner thoughts through a phone / photo
Homemade meals could be baked for neighbors
People could live in country clubs / communities
Cafes could be for grief / discussions of death
Snowmen signs could be made for neighbors
Immigrant communities could have cultural retirement centers
Communities could have crop swaps
Hugs could be given on the internet
Introverts / single people could sit in bars with cake
The U.S. / world could have more public swimming pools / lessons
Stews could be perpetual
Supper clubs / underground dining / pop-ups could be hosted in homes or other venues
Yoga classes could be donation-based
Tomato sauce could be jarred in the summer
Libraries could be public / community spaces
Backyards could have potlucks
Hot tubs / pools in backyards could be open to all
Showtunes could be sung around a piano
Theater could be guerilla
City girls (or people) could walk
Dining could be a communal experience
Convenience could be inconvenient
No one could die alone
Community chess games could be organized by volunteers
Neighborhood holiday decorations / trick or treating could be found
Inspirational messages / quotes could be left in highly trafficked areas
Nothing could be bought
A national monthly holiday could encourage community improvement projects and volunteering
Communities could have alfresco chats
"Parents' Evening" meetings could be held in communities
Group psychotherapy / activities could be good for people
Ice could be harvested for refrigeration
Communities could imagine new futures
Social prescribing / helping others could be used for depression and mental health
Community mediation boards could resolve disputes and conflict
Asylum seekers/refugees/immigrants could access culture classes/integration opportunities
Communities could have big lunches
Portable basketball hoops could be allowed on curbs
An ongoing dinner party could serve meals from UN countries
Musicians could stroll
Adults could have playgrounds
Slums could have creative arts
Houses could have porches or stoops
Christmas / Holiday workshops could be held
Square / plaza dancing could occur in parks or public spaces
Neighbors could be booed on Halloween, jingled / knocked on Christmas, egg-ed on Easter, tagged on Thanksgiving, etc.
Pantomine theater could be performed during the holiday season
Online public spaces could be created
Victorian calling cards could be used for visits
A restaurant, bar, bookstore, coffee shop, and community events venue combined could exist
Greetings cards could be made for the sick, elderly, or military
Men, women, and transgender could have support groups
Freedom or victory gardens could be promoted
Karaoke could be in front of a huge crowd
Human "birdfeeders" could be created with benches
Mutual aid networks could offer help to communities
Pop-up dinners could create community
Social clubs could create community development, networking, and other positive outcomes
Walking groups could inspire better health, healing, and organizing
Walking partners could be found
Garage sales could be city-wide or town-wide
Concerts, comedy, and plays could take place in homes
Ben Franklin circles could help inspire citizenship and community building
Jeffersonian dinners could help social issues and create networks
Volunteer events could help clean up litter
Police and communities could get to know one another
People could receive free things from their communities
Religion could be secular, humanist, and involve community service
Communities could host outdoor dance lessons and music
Communities could go on strolls
Volunteer listeners could ease loneliness
Community health workers / entrepreneurs / mentors / volunteers could improve health outcomes
Saturdays could be for civic engagement
Cafes could be chatty
Promise Neighborhoods could decrease poverty and improve educational outcomes
Exercise could include community building, progress charting, and variety of workout routines
Youth could participate in service projects with stipends, education, and job training
Meals could be delivered to the elderly, disabled, new mothers, sick, or mentally ill
Students could cook, serve, and clean up lunch
Peers could offer low-cost / free counseling
A "Friendship Bench" could be a tool for positive mental health
Communities, schools, homes could have gardens and/or food forests
Excess food could be shared with neighbors
Mentorship could act as an extended family
Mentorship programs could help at-risk youth, drug addicts, homeless, ex-offenders, potential terrorists, immigrants, refugees, new employees, and students
Storytelling events could occur
Running could include scavenger hunts and costumes
Choirs could be open-access and drop-in
Local investigative reporting and newspapers could be funded by philanthropy / become nonprofit / have a sustainable business model
Communities could have public baths
Group meals could ease political polarization
Festivals could encourage inclusivity, cooperation, civic responsibility, and participation
Communities could have sing-a-longs
Cities and towns could have open / slow streets
Dance parties could be in the morning
Communities could go on bike rides together
Post office employees could deliver services for the elderly, disabled, new mothers, or mentally ill
Dance could be free-form / for exercise
Communities could have public saunas
Film festivals could be held in backyards
Volunteering events could be easy to find
Parents-to-be could be trained by veteran parents
Community planning could involve games / crowdsourcing online
Libraries could be free and little
Local Hero Exchange
Group exercises and stretching could be used by schools, communities, and organizations
Bringing Kind Voices Together
People could learn from others in their community or people online
Homeowners could rent their homes after a foreclosure
People could create / share dinners in communities
Positive deviance could be used to produce beneficial behavioral change and outcomes
Homecooked meals could be shared with strangers
Cohousing could have social, economic, and environmental benefits
Communities could use private social networking websites to connect with their neighbors
Babysitting co-ops or registries could provide affordable childcare
Libraries could lend out "living books"