Omnidirectional balls could be wheels
Cars could be designed for women
A tornado storm chaser truck could be developed
Cars could shut off if stolen / on demand
Social clubs could be developed for automotive aficionados
Tires could contribute less to air pollution
Police cars could be bulletproof
Jet engines could be in cars
Teslas' design could be safer than other cars
Trunk-or-treating could happen on Halloween
Teslas / electric / lithium batteries could be modified to not catch on fire
Cars / motorcycles could have one wheel
A tire could be 3D printed, have no air, and not need to be replaced
Leather / beef / soy could cause rainforest deforestation
Cars / motorcycles could fly
Tires could have socks
Car horns could be unique
Tesla's / cars' autopilot capabilities could be safer
Car racks could be reinvented to use less energy
Cars could melt snow and provide warmth in emergency
A car could open from the front
Negotiation could be a business service
Hydrogen cars/planes could be better than electric cars/planes
Tires could be airless
SUVs / trucks / cars could be made safer for pedestrians / bikers
Wheel surfaces could be changed without changing the wheel
Easy car floor cleaning
Aviation, trucks, and cars could be electric
Skateboards, bikes, cars, and scooters could be electric
Cars, trucks, buses, airplanes, trains, or bikes could be art
Pets could wear seatbelts or harnesses
Staying alive during a traffic stop.
Car doors could be opened with right hands or have sensors
Safer Hill Assist Hill Hold
Tyre inflation could be easier
a new engine design.
Making Cars With Magnets.
Adaptive cruise control could reduce congestion, travel time, and traffic
Cars could be better designed for children to reduce injuries
Breathalyzers could be built into cars