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Ideas from our community

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Danger: Psychiatrists as Moralists

By Ann

We need a new psychology - that's humanistic, and addresses what human beings need in order to grow and develop emotionally. Social therapy, a group therapy approach, is among the new psychologies in the making that is engaging how we understand what it means to be human.


Depression Psychiatry Psychology Mental Health Services / Illnesses Therapy / Counseling / Healing


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Ellen Agree. I like the idea although not sure if it would work in all circumstances.


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Make peer teaching a big thing

By Victoria

Letting students who are doing well in class help others is a concept that teachers are probably not very familiar with - but given the chance this could be invaluable for teachers and students alike. Teachers would have the opportunity to see that their methods are working and students can use their knowledge to help others. While this does happen to some extent now, making learning more active in ways such as this will mean students get a range of teaching skills.




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Ellen I know many colleges have peer counselling.


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"Imagine a Digital Library in Every Bus or Train"

By Liz

This idea comes from the Atlantic Cities!

"A group of students at the Miami Ad School envision putting that technology to decidedly more pleasurable use. "Underground Library," designed by Max Pilwat, Keri Tan and Ferdi Rodriguez, proposes a series of advertisements for the New York Public Library where a quick swipe could send the first ten pages of a book right to your phone.

After you've finished your sample, upon emerging from the subway, a map points the way to the nearest library location. The system would use near field communication (NFC), a technology capable of wireless data transmission over short distances, so that it works in non-wired tunnels."




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Ellen Sounds interesting but may be duplicative of kindles and free phone apps


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Viewing and analyzing the connections of companies with unneeded, unsafe products, who have had government contracts

By Shlomo

There are several companies, best exemplified by Monsanto, how have been cleared to release unsafe chemical, biological, and genetically modified products, despite lack of testing to insure their safety for the health of all involved. Monsanto was the company that gave us agent orange, a chemical defoliant used in Vietnam, that was found to cause a wide host of sever harmful reactions to anyone exposed to it. They are also the company that brought the bovine growth hormone, meant to make cow produce more milk, that has been proved to have many negative affects, and was released and pushed on to farmers when we had a milk surplus.

We must all look at companies like this and question how they are able to get their products on the market. They have made a pesticide for tobacco, that has been banned for use in the US, but not in Turkey. The tobacco treated with this in Turkey is then sold to the Camel cigarette company, which then is sold in the US.

How are these loop holes allowed to exist and why does the government either facilitate or turn a blind eye to these issues




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Ellen Worth investigating.


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All students could be encouraged or required to take a "gap year"

By Noah

High school students could be required or encouraged to take a gap year in which they had an internship and took mandatory career exploration courses before beginning college. This could help people figure out what they want to do before paying for an expensive college.




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Ellen I think this is a matter of individual choice.


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Movie Finder

By Ralph

It would be nice to type in a movie on an app or online and see where to see it among the various applications. Sure you could go to the various apps, etc and do a search, i.e. Netflix, on demand, Hulu, crackle, but it would be nice to have a place to find out where you could see it without searching the various locations.


Movies / Film / Cinema Apps / Mobile Applications Website / Blog / App / Startup Idea


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Ellen Can do this already with a google search.


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Easy way to report black carbon-emitting trucks and buses

By David

Ever get stuck behind a truck belching black fumes into the air? These black carbon particulates are bad for the environment. Last year Secretary of State Hillary Clinton introduced an initiative to reduce black carbon, as well as methane and soot. ( I think it would be wise to set up a call number that would allow commuters to inform the state-level EPA or Department of Motor Vehicles about such trucks or buses so they can get tested, or if necessary fined, for their pollution.


Environment Carbon Emissions / Capture


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Ellen Sounds good.
Ellen Sounds good.


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US Presidential Election Changes

By Michael

As a means of finally breaking the strangle hold that the two party system has held on US elections for so long now, require that one out of every three US Presidential elections only allow 3rd party candidates to run (no Republican or Democrat candidates permitted).


U.S. Elections / Voting


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Ellen Don't agree


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Reduce Excessive Purchasing Habits

By Zawadi

We should think twice before we buy. We should be able to have the things we want, but not to an excessive degree. And we should really think about why we want them.




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Mark Try freecycling instead of buying new stuff. Swap items you don't use for items you need.
Ellen Matter of individual choice.


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Recycle Your Clothes

By Zawadi

We could make a stronger effort to recycle our clothes:
Clothes no longer wanted can be donated to the thrift store (especially for the females that refuse to wear the same dress twice). exchange clothes for your children




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Ellen I have always donated used clothing to Good Neighbors or other charities.


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