Malnutrition could be checked by arm measurement by parents / community health workers
Baby bonds could be started for low-income children
Technology / solar / water management / engineering skills could be taught to the least educated / illiterate / lowest caste people
A "document locker" could help people access social benefits
Abandoned bikes could go to the poor / developing countries
Sex workers could not face financial discrimination
Smallholder farmers could have a greenhouse-in-a-box
Adopting could be quicker, cheaper, less hurdled by bureaucracy, legal / safe, and open to more (single people / LGBTQ+) to prevent millions of abandoned / vulnerable children worldwide
The investing gap could contribute to income inequality
Low-income people could receive legal help with trained legal navigators
Solving indoor air pollution could prevent around 4 million deaths a year
Cities / towns could have free public wifi
Reliable, high-speed, protected data, decentralized, non-profit internet could be provided to people
Schools could be more socio-economically integrated
Minimum balance, banking fees, accessibility / location, lack of public education / financial literacy outreach could be deterrents to financial inclusion
Inflation could be lowered with elevated interest rates / an economic recession
Low income people could have access to museums and cultural institutions
GMO crops could be harming small-scale farmers through unaffordable / not climate adaptable seeds and pesticide use
A rehabilitative model / cash support / schools / places to sleep could be used to help street children
Excessive government spending could cause inflation
Free trade / bilateral trade agreements could have negative effects on labor / environment
Youth and adults could learn important social-emotional and life skills
Gold mining could not destroy the Amazon rainforest
People could be able to dress for success
Sack gardening could be used for nutrition, preventing desertification, and food security
The U.S. debt-collection industry could be regulated more
Waste pickers could have labor protections, cooperatives, or unions
Grocery stores, restaurants, and other food vendors could put less food in dumpsters
Slums could have creative arts
Public benefit administrative burdens / forms could be reduced / be easier to comply with
Libraries could eliminate fines or ask for donations
Early childhood toxic stress could lead to lifelong learning and behavior issues
Internships / apprenticeships could help the long-term unemployed get back to work
Renters could build equity or buy their buildings
Under-resourced students could explore creative writing
Arcade games could teach personal finance
A game could help students plan for college finances
Broadband internet infrastructure could be accessible for people
Community fridges and pantries could be available
Humans could be invested in
Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) could crowd out the private sector, create debt, underprice risk, change incentive structures for employees, and not sufficiently track impacts on the poor / environment
A "Nation Building Best Practices Model" could be used in international development
Social services could be delivered remotely / by video calling
Doulas and/or midwives could result in positive pregnancy and infant outcomes
Executive skills / self-regulation coaching could help people achieve goals
An incubator could help low-income businesses grow
Soccer or other recreation parks could be located at public transit stops
Grocery stores could sell unattractive, mislabeled, or expired food at lower cost
Social clubs could create community development, networking, and other positive outcomes
A single information system could be used for people seeking social / homeless / housing services
People could be trained in offering high quality childcare
U.S. citizens could have clean, running water and plumbing
Selective U.S. universities could expand and establish satellite locations
A two-generation / intergenerational care / whole family approach could be used in social services
Countries could have open borders
Community health workers / entrepreneurs / mentors / volunteers could improve health outcomes
The workforce system could be revamped by accurate labor market data, better website information/applications/online courses, and employer/education coordination
A classroom could be on wheels for at-risk youths and adults
"Learning landscapes" in commonly used areas / playgrounds could help boost education and literacy
Promise Neighborhoods could decrease poverty and improve educational outcomes
Community beautification could create economic development, lower crime, and raise quality of life
Buying a mobile home / renting land could be financially harmful to residents
Businesses and nonprofits could be pay-what-you-can
A basic income could be only spent on certain things
A workforce "skills gap" between employers and workers could be made up
Alternatives to college could be promoted, funded, and accepted for jobs
Workers' low wages could be subsidized by the government, philanthropy, and/or the hiring organizations
Venture capital could reach entrepreneurs in diverse areas to create economic opportunities
Students could cook, serve, and clean up lunch
Healthy school meals could be free for children
Local governments could have one integrated data system and universal intake
The welfare cliff could be fixed in public benefits to not discourage work / marriage
A housing voucher program could aid poverty
Cash could be given through rental subsidies, taxes, or child savings accounts to aid poverty
Diapers / diaper banks could be available to low income families
Apps could encourage saving / budgeting as well as offer financial advice / education / rewards
Communities, schools, homes could have gardens and/or food forests
Mobile produce trucks could bring fresh fruits and vegetables to neighborhoods
Healthy food / nutrition tips could be delivered to people
Healthy foods could be subsidized in the food stamp program
Underprivileged kids could experience the outdoors, outdoor sports, summer camp, and/or camping
Mentorship could act as an extended family
Moving to jobs could be easier for low-income people
Tax-free investments could revitalize distressed economic areas
Graduation programs could be better than just giving cash to aid poverty
Mentorship programs could help at-risk youth, drug addicts, homeless, ex-offenders, potential terrorists, immigrants, refugees, new employees, and students
Businesses / nonprofits could be worker-owned cooperatives
Insurance could be bought in case of job loss or disability
Employers could offer lower interest payday loans
Financial wellness / savings / loan products could be offered to employees
The post office could offer financial services
Check cashers and credit unions could form strategic alliances to reach low-income consumers
Banking products could be more available, transparent, and accessible for low-income consumers
Organizations could have open hiring practices / hire people with barriers
Employers could offer work-based learning to low-income youth
Digital vans could bring wifi access / computers to low-income or rural areas
Parenting classes could be taught in high school or be offered by nonprofits
Emergency financial microgrants could be provided to students
Schools could have washers and dryers
Microinsurance could be offered to low-income people
Menstrual products could be affordable and accessible for low-income women
Research could be communicated and organized in easy-to-read formats
Employers could help employees achieve postsecondary, ESL, or GED education
Social services could be coordinated / mapped out across agencies and community organizations
Families could lead themselves out of poverty
Zero interest loans could help people build credit
Financial coaching could be integrated into existing social services
Students could be able to see at school
Job training organizations could work with employers to fulfill hiring needs
Public policy clearinghouses could be easier to use / more comprehensive
Moving to better neighborhoods could positively affect poor families
Every location could have an address
Financial literacy could be taught in high schools
Adult basic education could be achieved at work
Job training could be done by apprenticeships or internships
Philanthropy could be collaborative, flexible, and larger to create bigger impacts
Job training and education could be financed by future salaries
Workers could create online campaigns
Children could be registered at birth
Job training vouchers could be distributed by companies
Community colleges could be free
Panhandlers could be offered a job for the day
Running / exercise programs could people who are homeless / have mental health issues / prisoners
Foundations and labor unions could fund alt-labor organizations
The homeless could have access to free laundry
An online account could distribute all public benefits
Children could be encouraged to get passports and travel
Public benefits could be deposited directly into savings accounts
Employer-matched, portable accounts could be set up to finance worker training and learning
Local and national social services could be searchable / applied for online
Alternative Staffing Organizations (ASOs) could help hard-to-employ individuals find temporary work
Small-dollar loans could have transparent terms, be online, offer financial education, and the opportunity to build credit
Parents could be encouraged to talk more to their newborns and infants
A rating / reviews website for local social services could be developed / used
Fake companies could be used for job training
Companies could offer regular and increased hours to workers
Unopened, unexpired medications could be provided to patients in need
The GED could lead to a high school diploma
Lotteries or prizes could encourage people to save more
Low income students could be given more information and support to apply to competitive colleges
Disabled workers could be guaranteed a minimum wage
Debit card users information could be used in credit scoring
Cash stipends could be given directly to the poor
Banking could be mobile
Human Advancement-Are We Doing It Right?
GED programs could be linked to college or career training
REDF could be a model for workforce development organizations
Citizens could receive a basic / guaranteed income (with restrictions or on a EBT card)
Preschool / daycare could be part of the public education system
Financial counseling could aid with asset building for low-income individuals and families
Homeowners could rent their homes after a foreclosure
Job seekers could achieve desired employer skills online
Positive deviance could be used to produce beneficial behavioral change and outcomes
Online benefit screening tools could be combined, streamlined, and allow people to apply for benefits online
B1G1 organizations could create more development
Children could stay with their families rather than being placed into foster care
Year Up could be a model for workforce development organizations
A landlord watchlist website could improve housing conditions
A digital merit badge system could give credentials to job seekers and encourage life long learning
Ride sharing could expand and be targeted towards low income populations
Car sharing could expand and be targeted to low income populations
Quality ratings could be developed and refined for childcare providers
Access to childcare could be improved in low income communities
Firms could be mandated to provide the first two years of short-term disability insurance
A two-tiered disability benefit system could be used to not discourage work
A new federal competitive grants program could be used to support better workforce training and education systems
Real time labor market information about worker resources and needs could be developed
Performance-based scholarships could increase student achievement
Incarceration could not be treated as "voluntary unemployment" to calculate child support arrears
Learning communities at community colleges could promote student achievement
Career Academies could improve labor market outcomes for students
Developing countries could enact food stamp programs rather than ration systems
Families could receive assistance with the FAFSA form in order to increase college attendance
Interest rates could be capped for payday loans
Asset limits for public benefits could be reformed to not discourage saving
The Saver's Credit could be simplified and expanded
Children Savings Accounts could be required for every newborn or kindergartner
A Saver's Bonus could be offered to low-income tax filers
Tax refund increases could be required to be put into an IRA or other savings product
Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) or matched savings accounts could be expanded and encompass more goals
Employment applications could not ask about criminal history to reduce recidivism
The Nurse-Family Partnership / parent home visiting programs could be used more widely
A welfare emergency fund could be triggered into action by a poor economy
Earning supplements could provide beneficial, cost-efficient effects for low-wage workers
Employers could enroll workers in an opt-out direct deposit savings account
Social impact bonds could fund public programs
Ex-prisoners could have better access to benefits to decrease recidivism
All public housing could be offered through portable rental vouchers
Job sharing or short-time working could decrease unemployment
Mealtics could be purchased by restaurant-goers to provide food to the needy
The EITC could be changed to minimize the distortion of incentives to work, marry, and have children
The U.S. minimum wage could be indexed to inflation / increased
Banks could design and market savings accounts to low income consumers
Schools could offer better counseling for at-risk youth