Teacher surveys could evaluate principals / principal surveys could evaluate administrators
Air filtration / ventilation could decrease sickness
Grieving students could be given more / better support in schools
Students could teach themselves, in groups, with computers
Silos / food storage in schools could prevent food waste / malnutrition in developing countries
Technology / solar / water management / engineering skills could be taught to the least educated / illiterate / lowest caste people
Girl afterschool programs / peer circles / mentorship / financial literacy / clubs could create positive outcomes
First responders / schools / airplanes / pharmacies / public places could have EpiPens
Smartphones / tablets could not be allowed in schools
Boys could start school a year later
Schools could be micro
Teachers' unions could help or hinder schools
Teachers with inappropriate behavior / misconduct could not still work with children, face criminal / civil charges, and be listed on a registry
School dropoffs could be quick / involve "tuck and rolls"
Defibrillators could be more commonly placed with known locations
Awareness / training of secure gun storage could spread
High schools could have exercise / wellness / support / service groups afterschool
Healthy school meals could be provided to children
Chefs could be in schools
Buses could be bicycles
Schools could be more socio-economically integrated
Peer mediation could create a culture of conflict resolution
Brain and exercise breaks could help students learn
Teachers / group sessions / health centers / awareness could help provide mental health services in schools
Traditional dance could be taught at schools
Environmentalism could be a part of education
Face masks could protect against sickness / pollution
Schools could be democratic
Custodians / education support professionals could engage and watch out for students
Children / girls could be taken to work
Bystander training could prevent harassment, bullying, assault, and discrimination
Parents / schools could help prevent child sex abuse / grooming through education/awareness
Alternative schools could be effective, accountable, and engaging
Newcomer schools could help refugees adjust to life in new countries
Community fridges and pantries could be available
Lotteries could be used to fill (student) government seats
A class exercise could teach about racism and discrimination
Predictive analysis and early warning systems could identify at-risk students and help them succeed
Students could produce original news reports
Teachers could help diagnose vision problems / deliver eyecare
Executive skills / self-regulation coaching could help people achieve goals
Future planning / goal setting could be used in schools
Countries with violence could have longer school hours, afterschool programs, and trauma-informed care
Mottoes could promote positive child and personal development
Alumni networks could be created in high schools
Elements of KIPP charter schools could improve educational outcomes
Airlines and other public places could be peanut and nut free
Children could be prepared for kindergarten through an online learning program
Young people could do community service, activism, and volunteering
The Pomodoro Technique could be used for productivity
Upstanders could stand up to bullying
Restorative justice could be used to help both perpetrators and victims
A classroom could be on wheels for at-risk youths and adults
Schools could use different student safety procedures
Children could use smartphones and social media later in life
Children could have digital mentorship
Promise Neighborhoods could decrease poverty and improve educational outcomes
Buses could be retrofitted or become zero-emission, electric vehicles
Schools / colleges could have hygiene and food pantries
Schools could have more social workers
Youth could participate in service projects with stipends, education, and job training
School culture could be part of education evaluations
Mobile messaging could enable better school outcomes
Chess could be offered as a school activity
Students could cook, serve, and clean up lunch
Healthy school meals could be free for children
Farm subsidies could be used to create healthy school lunches
Learning disabilities could be better identified / addressed in schools
Schools could have smaller class sizes / more teachers
Peers could offer low-cost / free counseling
Seniors could volunteer as foster grandparents
A "Friendship Bench" could be a tool for positive mental health
Cognitive Behavioral therapy could reduce crime and violence as well as improve education
Oysters / oyster shells could restore reefs along coastlines / prevent storm surges
Yoga, meditation, and/or mindfulness could be taught in physical or health education
Communities, schools, homes could have gardens and/or food forests
Underprivileged kids could experience the outdoors, outdoor sports, summer camp, and/or camping
School playgrounds could be more green
Mentorship could act as an extended family
Mentorship programs could help at-risk youth, drug addicts, homeless, ex-offenders, potential terrorists, immigrants, refugees, new employees, and students
Juice boxes / sports drinks with less sugar could be available
Learning could involve movement / standing
Desks could have foot swings
Schools could have air conditioners
Schools could encourage parental engagement
Restorative discipline could be used in schools
Graduation coaches could help at-risk youth throughout their education
Schools could not cut funding for art, music, or drama programs
ADHD could be diagnosed / drugs could be prescribed more carefully
Schools could start / end later
Schools could have washers and dryers
Menstrual products could be affordable and accessible for low-income women
Schools could have guidance, facilities, and materials for menstruation
Teachers could receive donations for specific requests
Mindfulness could be taught and used more widely
Meditation could be taught and used more widely
Students could be able to see at school
Vaping could have more industry regulations
Job readiness skills / career development could be taught in schools
Financial literacy could be taught in high schools
Government agencies, schools, hospitals, police, universities, foundations, prisons, workplaces, elections, judiciary systems, and nonprofits could collect, publicize, and use citizen feedback
Children could not be shamed / put into debt if they cannot pay for school lunch
Public school district funding could be less unequal
Mindfulness / yoga could be used in detention
Schools could have a well-run school library
Children could be encouraged to get passports and travel
Students could earn micro-scholarships throughout high school
Students could be custodians for schools
Bullying could be reported anonymously
Volunteer tutors could help to improve literacy rates
Also posted on IdeaStormz- The Requirement to Fail, a review on essays.
Cleaning products, laundry detergents, deodorants/antiperspirants, toothpaste, and air fresheners could be free from harmful chemicals
Computer programming could be taught as language arts.
Parents or guardians could be immediately emailed or texted when a student misses class
Goats, cows, and sheep could be lawnmowers
Group exercises and stretching could be used by schools, communities, and organizations
School Gardens/Mini Farms
Sadek Alam
Standing desks could be used
Healthy school meals could be available to schoolkids
Schools could have coaches that organize play during recess and after school
Bullying could be addressed with babies
Students could learn at home / do homework in school
Education could be available online for free
Corporal punishment could be banned in schools
Small schools could boost graduation rates
Career Academies could improve labor market outcomes for students
Children Savings Accounts could be required for every newborn or kindergartner
Teachers could be trained by apprenticeship programs
Public schools could offer apprenticeships / internships
Student surveys could evaluate teachers / schools
Schools could offer better counseling for at-risk youth