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How Government Regulation / Oversight could be different

Therapists could be more regulated / accountable

The perfume / fragrance industry could be more transparent / ethical

Electric cars could be lighter to prevent pollution / safety issues

U.S. hospice care could not have fraud / mismanagement / abuse

Nurse practitioners could be regulated to be well-trained

E-commerce returns could not end up as garbage

The U.S. FDA / CSPC could proactively regulate / ensure different types of baby products meet safety standards

U.S. food safety legislation could be less complicated / overlapping

Medicine could be safer / uncontaminated through various ways

Mercury, PCBs, antibiotics, dioxins, pesticides, other contaminants in seafood could not be there / be reduced

U.S. rail companies could have adequate staffing / increased safety standards / liability / shorter train length to prevent derailments

Lung diseases could be prevented among miners / effective masks could be available

Prescribing / dispensing drugs could be separated

Marijuana could not have mold, bacteria, pesticides / better safety standards

Nonstick pans could be harmful / polluting

Food dyes / additives could be harmful

Homes could be tested for radon, mold, lead, toxic metals / dust, etc.

Puppies, kittens, rabbits, etc. could be only obtained by responsible breeders / shelters

Litigation funding could take money from / offer predatory loans to clients but also offer money to sue

Brazilian Butt Lifts (BBL) could be regulated / not dangerous

Children's online safety legislation / design codes could be passed

More research could be done on IVF and its effects on womens' bodies / IVF clinics could be regulated

Hormones, antidepressants, steroids, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals etc. could be removed from drinking water

Hotels / airbnbs could be required to have carbon monoxide / smoke detectors

Meal kit companies could be FDA regulated / required to follow safety requirements

Sugarcane burning could end in Florida

Rodent / insect poison could not injure / kill birds of prey, snakes, and larger animals

Investors / corporations / foreign buyers could drive up home prices / rent

Wealth managers could not be incentivized to cross-sell high fee financial products

Crypto could lead to pollution, tax evasion, money laundering, and scams

A global carbon price / tax could be the solution to global warming

Litigation / regulation could be decreasing the amount of IPOs / public wealth

Media / news / social media / journalism could not be influenced by the pharmaceutical industry

Cruise ships could pollute less / dump less sewage / use different fuel

Weapon sales could not get into the wrong hands / be tracked / not occur

Antibiotics could be handed out too much / overprescribed

Mental health / addiction treatment could not be denied by health insurance

Life insurers could pay out benefits for deaths without claims filed

Private equity could make veterinarian care, healthcare, assisted living, nursing homes, autism care, mobile homes, hospices, petrol stations, dentists, etc. more expensive / decrease quality

Private equity could affect U.S. autism care / innovation

Chiropractors, massage, yoga, pilates, surfing, and beauty parlors could cause paralysis / strokes

Gun marketing / video games could be less violent

U.S. utilities could be less corrupt / better for-profit natural monopolies

Egg freezing could be oversold / unregulated

Companies could raise prices more than necessary during inflation

Bullets could be made from copper or steel to prevent lead poisoning in animal food chains

Planes could be safer with better oversight by the FAA and different corporate practices

Private garbage collection could have better labor protection and safety

The U.S. nurse / healthcare workers / doctors - patient staffing ratio and standards of care could improve

Troll farms / armies could be identified, removed, and/or regulated

"Rehoming" / "second chance" adoptions could be regulated

Buildings could have more fire safety regulations / enforcement

Nuclear power could be less expensive and safer

Animal manure could be disposed of / reused in an environmentally-safe way

Portable generators could have enforced safety measures to not cause carbon monoxide poisoning

Technology could prevent child abuse sexual materials (CASM) online

Gun parts / ghost guns could not be bought online

Companies could not discourage and/or prevent labor unions

Banned chemicals could not be replaced with similar, harmful chemicals

Intellectual property on technology / semiconductors could be protected more

The revolving door between government / private business could be fixed

Polluting chemical industries could be regulated and not placed in "sacrifice zones"

Private military contractors (PMCs) use by countries could be regulated

Deep sea mining could be destructive

Toxic waste could be recycled rather than shipped to developing countries

Companies / people could not bribe, give donations, and/or gifts to government officials

Children could be protected from furniture tipping over

Short-term disability coverage could be easier to access

Unsafe and untested products could be taken off Amazon / e-commerce sites

SUVs / trucks / cars could be made safer for pedestrians / bikers

The oil and gas industry could not abandon polluting, decaying wells

U.S. healthcare provider consolidation could raise medical costs without benefiting consumers

Porn websites / companies could be ethical, regulated, or sued/shut down

Patent trolls could be less of a problem in the U.S.

Aflatoxin could be prevented in developing countries' crops

Cigarettes could self-extinguish

U.S. government control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could end

Scientific evidence could be produced by independent scientists

Consulting, lobbying, law firms, banks, and public relations companies could not assist authoritarian governments, corruption, organized crime, or have unethical practices

Labor unions could be organized and regulated differently to prevent corruption

Buying a mobile home / renting land could be financially harmful to residents

A Federal Robotics Commission could proactively regulate artificial intelligence / deepfakes

Institutional investors could threaten competition

Kidney disease patients could be informed about transplant options

Financial advisors could have to fulfill a fiduciary standard