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Egg freezing could be oversold and unregulated

By Hicbd
Mon May 16 2022 9:43 am

"This is what we know. The younger the woman freezing her eggs the more likely they are to be viable, but as vitrification is so new, information is scarce. Clinics claim anecdotal success rates ranging from 10% to 60%, but few women have retrieved their eggs, so it will take some years for specific data to emerge. So far only 2 to 12% of thawed eggs lead to a live birth. The egg-to-baby rate is around 6.5% – the chance that one frozen egg from one fertile young woman will result in one baby."


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Women / Girl Issues U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Pregnancy / Prenatal Care Consumer Protection / Safety Infertility / IVF / Reproductive Endocrinology Government Regulation / Oversight


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