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More research could be done on IVF and its effects on womens' bodies / IVF clinics could be regulated

By Hicbd
Tue Dec 6 2022 1:09 pm

"For example, in the last few years, there has been a shift toward trying to implant embryos that were previously frozen (rather than never frozen), after data emerged showing that babies born from frozen transfers had higher birth weights. But Stern’s team found an increased risk of respiratory, blood-related and brain abnormalities for the children when frozen embryos are used, and other researchers have found higher risks of pre-eclampsia for the women. It’s also not yet well understood how the health outcomes associated with traditional I.V.F. methods compare with those related to intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)...We have no idea what this level of hormonal stimulation at this time in a woman’s life might be doing to her body."


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U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Consumer Protection / Safety Cancer Medical / Health Research Infertility / IVF / Reproductive Endocrinology Government Regulation / Oversight


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