A garden hose could release sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere to cool the earth
By Hicbd
By geoengineering, a garden hose could be built up into the sky to release sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere.
Please login to commentLibraries could lend out "living books"
By Hicbd
"Living books" or local people who have volunteered to share their knowledge of different topics could be "lent" out. People interested in those topics could make appointments to meet for conversations or come to lectures.
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Liz | this sounds so cool! |
Caleb | A very good idea, perhaps bolstered by internet, with online library services recommending you get help in a special chat window from a live person. |
Restaurants could display how they treat their workers
By Hicbd
Restaurants could display a standardized grade in their window indicating how they have met worker's rights and benefits.
Please login to commentRestaurants could have guest chefs
By Hicbd
A guest chef could come in every two weeks to showcase their culinary talents, gain experience, and widen restaurant exposure.
Please login to commentHomes and buildings could be constructed as binishells
By Hicbd
Binishells could be constructed in a way that does not waste wood or other materials. They have fewer energy leaks and materials for concrete are more environmentally friendly than other building materials.
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Jaya | I don't think this could work in cities where there are many people living in limited space |
Schools could offer better counseling for at-risk youth
By Hicbd
As shown by the Turnaround for Children organization, student issues stemming from growing up in poverty could be addressed by better counseling, trained teachers, and principals.
Please login to commentRecycling labels could be standardized to be easier to understand
By Hicbd
Standardized labels, such as ones developed by Recycle Across America (RAA), could be used to make recycling more clear and easier to understand.
Please login to commentSupermarkets could grow produce on their roofs
By Hicbd
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David | talk about dumb as dog-shit ... taking their employees from their tasks and sending them to the roof to garden is idiotic ... this is not good logistics for food production nor rational economics or efficiency. |
Philipp | well to say "dumb as dog-shit" is quite radical. I think its a idea that you could turn it into something that may be working. My grilfriend, for example, would love to harvest her own products but since we are living in a big city there is no green ground to buy or rent. So it would be nice to rent a "ready to use ground" in a big greenhouse complex. Of course there are hundreds of open questions like is this profitable to the supermarket since they are not selling some of their products but on the other hand, people who got some place there have another reason to hang around at the market and consume stuff there. |