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Medical oxygen could be available and uninterrupted by power outages

By Hicbd
Thu Oct 21 2021 9:15 am

"Medical oxygen is a proven life-saving intervention, shown to significantly reduce pneumonia mortality by up to 35%. However, oxygen treatment remains inaccessible to many severely ill children in LMIC’s. Traditional oxygen cylinders are extremely costly and hard to come by in remote areas, while commercial oxygen concentrators require regular maintenance and a constant energy supply. In many low resource health facilities, power outages are frequent and often deadly; a hypoxic child cannot survive beyond 7 minutes without constant oxygen supply. The FREO2 team is committed to saving lives by developing and deploying our novel medical oxygen technologies to improve access to oxygen and patient care at the under-resourced periphery of health services."


URL Credit

Hospitals Business / Invention Idea Infant Mortality Philanthropy Global Health


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