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French parenting tips could be helpful

By Hicbd
Wed Jun 9 2021 1:17 pm

"- autonomie (oh-toh-no-mee)–autonomy. The blend of independence and self-reliance that French parents encourage in their children from an early age.
- complicité (kohm-plee-see-tay)–complicity. The mutual understanding that French parents and caregivers try to develop with children, beginning from birth. Complicité implies that even small babies are rational beings, with whom adults can have reciprocal, respectful relationships.
- équilibre (eh-key-lee-bruh)–balance. Not letting any one part of life–including being a parent–overwhelm the other parts.
- sage (sah-je)–wise and calm. This describes a child who is in control of himself or absorbed in an activity. Instead of saying “be good,” French parents say “be sage.'"


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Child Development Parenting


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