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Takeaways & Restaurants should compete to reduce waste

By Andrew Clancy

Create a site for all takeaway restaurants at every level to join (I'm in the UK, so I'm thinking Pret, Itsu, Leon, Subway, McDonalds etc), share design efforts, create a common theme for a universal marketing programme to reduce waste - create marketing & posters to encourage employees and customers to consider packaging, cutlery & any waste - ask 'do you/I need a bag for 1 item?', 'do I need that napkin/cutlery/straw?'.
Designers compete to create the next design for posters for the stores. Common bins, or designs for posters for bins are put in place in stores for employees & customers to recycle.
The whole project has gamification across the board - restaurants & organisations can publish their waste reduction, customers & people can sign up and use the site to sign up restaurants, or to name & shame the worst - eg. stores still giving out takeaway bags for 1 item.
My initial thought is to focus on restaurants, however this could extend to any small stores still giving away plastic bags for shops without asking, or combine/merge with sites doing clean-up efforts (eg. rivers/beached) - if done right, this site could be a huge force, think but for organising community & collaborative efforts for any & every aspect of cleaning up the planet.
Has this been done in any form?
Happy to help develop technology-wise if there's someone driven enough to get it going out there.


Environment Restaurants Waste / Garbage / Landfills / Trash Fast Food / Fast Casual Restaurants Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) / Sustainability / Impact Gamification


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Hicbd Thanks Andrew!

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