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How Christmas / Hanukkah / Holidays could be different

A Charles Dickens Victorian London Christmas fair could be visited for the holidays

Holiday images could projected on buildings / homes

Public transportation could sell holiday merchandise / arrange festivals

Snowmen signs could be made for neighbors

Christmas / the holidays could have pikkujoulut

Thanksgiving / holidays could be on the subway / metro

Grudges could be settled by fistfight before the New Year

Virtual visits with Santa, the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, etc. could be a business

A chicken, duck, and turkey / goose could be combined

A pie could be baked within a cake

Christmas trees could be rented

The Christmas pledge could lead to a better December

Dried fruit could be ornaments

Neighborhood holiday decorations / trick or treating could be found

"Can-orahs" could be created for Hanukkah

Santa could have alter-egos

Homes could smell like the holidays

Christmas / Holiday workshops could be held

Lucky bags could be sold at shops

Different parts of cities and homes could receive help to be decorated for the holidays

Transgender youth, kids in need, and sick/alone adults could receive holiday gifts

Charcuterwreaths could be created

Neighbors could be booed on Halloween, jingled / knocked on Christmas, egg-ed on Easter, tagged on Thanksgiving, etc.

Pantomine theater could be performed during the holiday season