People could have different friendship styles
Strangers could meet for meals
Calendar friends could help with grief
"Compliment, congratulate, console" could deepen relationships
Cities / nonprofits / apps could offer befriending services
Relationships could have positive / negative attachment styles
People could be in lives for a reason, season, or lifetime
Quitting could be quiet
Friends could be won and people could be influenced
Parties could be perfect
Social media pictures could show "real" selves
Only a certain amount of relationships could be sustained at one time
Arranged friendship circles could create lasting bonds
People could go on group dates
Book clubs could be article clubs
Peer coaching could help with personal and professional goals
Group psychotherapy / activities could be good for people
The plus-one rules at weddings could be different
Friends could get together for errands
Divorce / ends of relationships could involve support / rituals / registries
Stretching could maintain friendships and relationships
Spouses could be platonic / friends
Close friends could influence lives
Family and friends stories / memories could be recorded and preserved
Songs could be written for other people
Strangers could be randomly matched to talk over the phone
Staring into eyes for four+ minutes could create love and intimacy
Victorian calling cards could be used for visits
Friends and business partners could go to couples therapy
Natural selection could be survival of the friendliest or prettiest
Friendship could be "romantic"
A "Friendship Bench" could be a tool for positive mental health