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How Psychiatric Medications / Drugs could be different

SSRIs could not work well

Peyote could be protected for Native American religion / produced synthetically for others

Nature could be decriminalized

Antipsychotics / antidepressants / ADHD drugs could be linked with violence / murder

Social prescribing / helping others could be used for depression and mental health

An app could guide psychedelic trips

Birth control pills could have adverse side effects

A healthy diet and exercise could relieve depression

Brain scans could diagnose psychiatric disorders

Psychiatric medications could be harmful when over-prescribed and taken long-term

Sniffing lavender could reduce stress and anxiety

Mental illness and depression could be a result of societal structures

Psychiatric labeling could be harmful

The DSM could be influenced by pharmaceutical research grants

Psychedelic drugs / plant-based medicine could help with mental health issues, PTSD, peacebuilding, and addiction more effectively than current psychiatric drugs

Meditation could be taught and used more widely