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How Human Resources / Capital could be different

Public pensions could be too high in some places / to some people / could be capped at some amount

Flexible / remote work arrangements could be possible for pregnancy / menopause / parents / caregivers

Organizations could improve gender and diversity equality / advancement / inclusion with software / data analysis

USAID could improve its workforce operations

Workplace time off / support could be provided for fertility treatment / pregnancy ailments

Ghost tweeting / virtual assistants could be used

Quitting could be quiet

Employee background checks could be faster

Companies could not discourage and/or prevent labor unions

Paid leave / time off could be offered after miscarriage, stillbirth, bereavement, and/or other traumatic events

Nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) could improve / change

Peer mediation could create a culture of conflict resolution

Splited Economies, 2 time zones in 1 community

Upward appraisals / 360 feedback could improve managers, executives, and employees

Misconduct, harassment, or discrimination could be reported on the #NotMe app

Employers could not use intrusive digital surveillance technologies on employees

Communities could be built within organizations to foster inclusion

Makers/technical experts could have a different schedule than managers

An ombuds office or dispute-resolution system could better address harassment, complaints, and corruption

Partial confidentiality agreements could be used in sexual harassment cases

Impact sourcing could help workers gain skills

Layoffs could be avoided during downturns

Recruiting firms could help mothers / women

Unpaid internships could be accessible to people of all backgrounds

Organizations could offer "returnships" for people to return-to-work

Salaries could be transparent / previous history could not be asked

Feedback could be about performance coaching

Retirement could not be mandatory in some cases

Mentorship programs could help at-risk youth, drug addicts, homeless, ex-offenders, potential terrorists, immigrants, refugees, new employees, and students

Companies could adopt WSR (Worker-driven Social Responsibility)

Job training could be done by apprenticeships or internships

Workers could create online campaigns

Workplaces could offer on-site childcare

Companies could have human-centered operations strategies

Job training vouchers could be distributed by companies

Balance boards could be used with standing desks

New parents could take their baby to work

Employer-matched, portable accounts could be set up to finance worker training and learning

Alternative Staffing Organizations (ASOs) could help hard-to-employ individuals find temporary work

Companies could offer regular and increased hours to workers

Group exercises and stretching could be used by schools, communities, and organizations