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How Vaccinations / Vaccines could be different

Alternative children vaccine schedules could be considered / studied more

There could be optimal times / ways to get the flu shot

Single-use, retractable needles / needle-free injectors could be used in hospitals / developing countries / with drug users

Inactivated vaccines could increase mortality due to reduced immune response

The HPV vaccine risks / efficacy could be determined

The effect of mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, polethylene glycol, (adjuvants) etc. in vaccines could be tested for health effects / removed

The oral polio vaccine could be changed to be safer

Kowbucha, seaweed, algae, vaccines, etc. could reduce cow methane emissions

Vaccines with aluminum could be linked with asthma

Vaccines could not expire / be redistributed

Vaccine manufacturers could face liability for adverse events, contribute to government compensation programs, use placebos in clinical trials, and/or have incentives for improving vaccines

The VAERS / FAERS systems could accurately capture vaccine / drug safety and restore public trust

Health technologies / solutions could be created in developing countries to be available faster

The design of immunization records could be improved

Malaria could be prevented with a vaccine

Public health campaigns could address citizen concerns / provide clear information

Pregnant women could have multiple testing for Group B Strep / a vaccine could be developed / more information and awareness could be available

A vaccine could be available for Lyme disease

Vaccinations could need booster shots