Too early / single ultrasounds could lead to false miscarriage diagnoses
Breastfeeding benefits could be oversold / prevent mothers from rest and time / affect mental health
The breastfeeding "Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative" could be harmful to new mothers / babies
Nerve injuries / paralysis could be reduced during childbirth
A Breast Cancer Risk Assessment (BCRA) score could determine whether to get annual mammograms / MRI / biopsy / ultrasounds
Donor milk instead of baby formula could be safer for preterm / full-term babies
Antenatal breastmilk expression / collecting colostrum before birth could be beneficial for moms / babies
Breath / relaxation versus pushing could be more effective during childbirth labor
Screening for small placentas could prevent 30% of stillbirths
Labor inductions could be unnecessary / painful / require more interventions
The postpartum period could have "closing of the bones" ceremonies / belly binding
Expectant mothers could have virtual expert support 24/7 / proactive screening / postpartum support / wearable health technology / insurance covered doulas
Electronic fetal monitoring could be more accurate / use wireless sensors / be easier for mothers to use / internal
Earlier versus later (before 42 weeks) labor induction could be lower risk
Antenatal corticosteroids / probiotics could help newborn babies survive
Vaginal stitching / numbing / anesthesia could be botched / better during childbirth
Azithromycin could prevent maternal sepsis
Postpartum hemorrhage (PPM) could be prevented by obstetric measuring drapes / trays, IV iron infusions, misoprostol, balloons, and/or E-MOTIVE guidelines
Ultrasounds / at-home dopplers could affect the fetus
Newborn babies could wait to be bathed
Warm compresses / perineal massage / hands on / other methods could prevent vaginal tears during childbirth
Fundal pressure / massage after childbirth could be unnecessary
Pregnant women could have the right / ability to get elective c-sections
Newborns and mothers could have uninterrupted skin-to-skin for at least 1-3 "golden hours" after birth / stay together as much as possible
Hormones / neurosteroids / sleep / medication could prevent / treat postpartum depression
People could be notified (apps / text messages) about listeria outbreaks / foodborne diseases / infectious diseases
Cervical membrane sweeping could be an informed choice / consent in childbirth and might not work
Cord clamping could be delayed in childbirth
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) could be reduced as a pregnancy risk
Pregnancy cervical / vaginal checks could be unnecessary / harmful
The third stage of labor / afterbirth could be natural / less painful
Monitoring heartbeats / blood pressure / infections / iron levels at home could prevent maternal pregnancy death
Cardiomyopathy / embolisms / heart issues, hemorrhage, blood clots, infections, placental abruptions, pregnacy-induced hypertension (preeclampsia), suicides could be tracked / prevented in pregnant (U.S.) women
Pregnant women could have midwives and OB-GYNs, doulas, tech supported care and monitoring, earlier appointments, and 3x the postpartum visits / care
UTIs / bladder infections / liver could be treated with d-mannose
Hyperemesis / pregnancy nausea / vomiting could be researched more / treated better
Hysterectomies could be overprescribed / affect women's health / unclear
Womb / uterus transfers could enable pregnancy
Autoimmune diagnosis / treatment could be determined in infertility / miscarriages
Women could be screened for PCOS / be treated for higher risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease
Thyroid / cortisol issues could be discovered beyond testing "TSH"
Diagnostic testing could be done before IUI / IVF / recurrent pregnancy loss
Endometritis / bacterial vaginosis / abnormal uterus microbiome / infections could be causes of infertility / miscarriages
Miscarriage autopsies could determine causes / contribute to research
Genetic / acquired blood disorders could be screened for to prevent miscarriages
Pregnancy bed rest may not be effective / harmful
Breast cancer symptoms could show up in a variety of ways
Stillbirths could be prevented / researched more
Progesterone could prevent recurrent miscarriages / be used in IUI
Issues with progesterone in ovulation could be discovered
The clitoris / vulva / labia could be better studied, taught, and not damaged during surgeries
Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) could be screened for pre- and post-partum with available treatment options
The effects of anti-depressants on pregnancy / postpartum health could have randomized control trials / clear guidance
U.S. health insurance could cover lifesaving breast ultrasounds / MRIs and patients could be informed about dense breasts
Miscarriages could cost less than births in U.S. healthcare
HCG / estrogen / progesterone levels could be tracked to predict miscarriages earlier
Miscarriages could be misdiagnosed
C-sections could be gentler / safer
Pregnant women could be more prepared for / informed about C-sections
Abbreviated MRIs could be better than mammograms / ultrasounds to detect breast cancer (particularly for younger women / dense breasts)
Prenatal vitamins could be lacking in / provide too much of certain nutrients
Baby aspirin could be beneficial for IVF, maternal health, and pregnancy
The risks of vaginal births to both mother / child could be fully researched, considered, explained, and treated
A menopause quiz could lead to product recommendations, educational resources, and community
Women could have easy-to-use mirrors during puberty, birth, and other times
Fibroids could be treated with minimally invasive treatment
The 4-6 week timeline for sexual readiness after childbirth could be misleading
Postpartum care could be improved, sooner, include screening, and have home visits to prevent harm / deaths
Squatting / walking / water / pelvic positioning could be used for childbirth
More awareness / treatment for postpartum PTSD could be available
Gynecologists / doctors could better diagnose women's pain / issues
Postpartum healthcare for new moms / gynecology could improve, include screening, and incorporate insurance-covered pelvic floor / physical therapy
A plastic bag device could be used for safer childbirth
Pregnant women could have multiple testing for Group B Strep / a vaccine could be developed / more information and awareness could be available
Birth control pills could have adverse side effects
Women could have positive birth experiences