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How Winter / Cold could be different

Immunity cubes could keep sickness away

Extreme sledding could take place on ski slopes

Maple sap could be poured on snow for dessert

Tents could be cooler / warmer

Bumper cars could be on ice

CPR could be used continuously for minutes or hours (particularly in hypothermia cases)

Beer could be warm / hot

Radiators could have warming drawers for bread / plates / gloves / other things

Ski poles could be flasks

Mittens could be for two hands

Phase-change material could make clothes hot or cold

A house could be encased in a greenhouse

Swimsuits could be worn towards the end of ski season

Working / living temperatures could be cooler or warmer with roofs / fans in developing countries

Greenhouses could be passive / use solar energy and aquaponics

Tables could have heaters underneath

Tires could have socks

Cars could melt snow and provide warmth in emergency

Surfing could be on lakes

Biking could be across ice and snow

Hygge, lagom, gezellig, ubuntu, joie de vivre, friluftsliv, wu wei, wabi sabi, sisu, nunchi, ikigai, coorie, kalsarikannit, and other world philosphies could be incorporated into lifestyles and homes

Oak leaves/twigs could be rhythmically applied on backs during a sauna massage

Wheel surfaces could be changed without changing the wheel

Different words for snow could exist

Dry brushing could be good for health and skin

Ice skating could be on snow

Wilderness or warming huts could provide a nice break

Pavement could be permeable

Yoga could be practiced in the snow

Jackets, coats, and clothes could be lit up, cooled, or heated

Bars and restaurants could serve hot cocktails

Mindset could affect mood

Outdoor furniture could be heated