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How Loneliness could be different

Introverts / single people could sit in bars with cake

Cities / nonprofits / apps could offer befriending services

Relationships could have positive / negative attachment styles

City girls (or people) could walk

Postcards could reveal secrets

Dining could be a communal experience

Arranged friendship circles could create lasting bonds

Convenience could be inconvenient

No one could die alone

Communities could have alfresco chats

Group psychotherapy could be effective

Loneliness / isolation / mental health could be screened for in healthcare

A friendly caller / visitor program could help with loneliness

Parallel play could be good for relationships

Human beings could have more touch / massages could be affordable and accessible

People could not blame themselves for being single

Social prescribing / helping others could be used for depression and mental health

Solitude / wintering could be beneficial

Storytelling circles could be found online

Single / LGBTQ+ people could receive IVF insurance / adoption benefits

Houses could have porches or stoops

Strangers could be randomly matched to talk over the phone

Square / plaza dancing could occur in parks or public spaces

Staring into eyes for four+ minutes could create love and intimacy

A breakup bootcamp could help heal broken hearts

Grandparents could be adopted

Extended family could be as important as the nuclear family

Social clubs could create community development, networking, and other positive outcomes

The elderly, veterans, homeless, and/or disabled could go to medical foster homes

Walking partners could be found

Adults could go to summer camps or wellness retreats

Volunteer listeners could ease loneliness

Cafes could be chatty

A "Friendship Bench" could be a tool for positive mental health

Cohousing could have social, economic, and environmental benefits