Receiving disability benefits could not require lawyers / payments
By Hicbd
"Programs meant to address these disparities require disabled people to constantly prove they are disabled enough to receive benefits, and some politicians have sought to undermine these programs and reduce government spending on low-income households by creating convoluted evaluation and reporting requirements that weed out many individuals who should be eligible. The system is so complicated that a whole legal industry exists to help disabled people apply for programs and appeal disability insurance decisions."
Please login to commentWriting could improve through copywork
By Hicbd
"Copywork is the practice of copying written works. Literally. You sit, and you type or handwrite paragraph after paragraph of another writer’s work. Many writers, such as Hunter S. Thompson, and Benjamin Franklin according to Art of Manliness, and Billy Collins used this technique to improve their writing. To learn the structure of it from those they admired and I, too, have done the same."
Please login to commentBy Hicbd
"A hyped new vehicle features multiple blades and wings and has a face that resembles a Transformer that didn’t quite complete its metamorphosis. It’s even got a jet engine in the back, giving the impression that it might take to the skies at any moment. But this is no plane — it’s a new electric car."
Please login to commentBy Hicbd
"Sustainable aviation fuels, or SAFs, are biofuels that can be made from many different products, including municipal waste like trash, corn or sugar. They could be a game-changer in reducing the high emissions currently caused by air travel. But sustainable fuels are also more expensive than traditional jet fuels. Experts said that tax credits and other government incentives might be the only thing to get producers to move toward sustainable fuels."
Please login to commentReintroducing wolves could be both good and bad
By Hicbd
"In 1884, the first efforts to eradicate predatory species from nature were legally enforced in Montana. The decision was made to remove wolves, coyotes, bears, and cougars that were killing their livestock and game animals...In the 1960s, the first ideas of wolf reintroduction were presented to Congress. Their belief was that the reintroduction of natural predators would help to stabilize the region."
Please login to commentParents could not be billed for foster care
By Hicbd
"In every state, parents get charged for the cost of foster care even though, as the NPR investigation found, so few are able to pay that state child enforcement agencies actually lose money when their staff spend time trying to find these parents and collect...These parents, however, are almost always poor and struggle to pay. The added cost, the NPR investigation found, can keep children in foster care for several added months and then burden already poor and troubled families with added debt, often for years."
Please login to comment15 minutes of sadness could be good during the day
By Hicbd
"Turns out, Paul's go-to exercise is one that therapists and mental health professionals recognize and recommend to some clients as a viable coping mechanism. The strategy, as portrayed in Shrinking, basically entails setting aside 15 minutes of the day to truly immerse oneself in sadness — or anxiety, grief, or worry as needed. It means actively sitting with intense feelings that may otherwise come and go throughout the day and without warning."
Please login to commentTowns could have food fight festivals
By Hicbd
"Sure, your mom told you not to play with your food, but at these historic food festivals, people come from all over to throw fruit cakes, beans, flour, and grapes. Whether it’s commemorating the killing of a tyrant, wielding off evil spirits, or fundraising for a local community, food fight festivals have a long history that spans centuries."
Please login to commentSmall towns could be turned into tourist destinations
By Hicbd
"The Doans have remade the one-stoplight town of Hamilton, Missouri (pop. 1,900), into what they call “the Disneyland of quilting,” attracting as many as 8,000 tourists a month...In addition to its 50% stake in Blue Sage, Missouri Star has financial interests in three other Hamilton restaurants that serve visitors to the company’s 12 quilting supply stores. Each shop specializes in a different array of fabrics—like Florals, Kids & Baby, and Batik Boutique. The company also owns two retreat centers that feature themes like Wild West and Pajama Party, where quilters pay $400 to spend four days sewing in their PJs, taking classes, eating catered meals and spending hundreds of dollars in the shops. Then there’s Man’s Land, a storefront with nothing for sale, where the men-folk can enjoy leather recliners, a pool table and a flat-screen TV tuned to sports."
Please login to commentSmart toilets could test for diseases / monitor health
By Hicbd
"A disease-detecting “precision health” toilet can sense multiple signs of illness through automated urine and stool analysis, a new Stanford study reports...The device could be particularly appealing to individuals who are genetically predisposed to certain conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome, prostate cancer or kidney failure, and want to keep on top of their health."
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