Foster children could receive Social Security, death / survivorship, and/or veterans benefits rather than the state
The disability cliff in adulthood could not exist / intentional communities could be created
A "document locker" could help people access social benefits
Receiving disability benefits could not require lawyers / payments
U.S. government block grants could be unaccountable / unable to meet needs
Poor families could be disincentivized to participate in TANF (welfare) due to child welfare investigation / requiring ex-partner child support
U.S. TANF (welfare) could have less strict eligibility / diversion requirements, time limits, non-compliance sanctions to reach families in need
Low income people could have access to museums and cultural institutions
Social protections could be ringfenced against fiscal adjustment in developing countries
Public benefit administrative burdens / forms could be reduced / be easier to comply with
Software coders and new technology could improve government services
Social services could be delivered remotely / by video calling
A single information system could be used for people seeking social / homeless / housing services
A two-generation / intergenerational care / whole family approach could be used in social services
U.S. childcare could be easier to access for low-income familes
Prisoners could receive housing vouchers, food vouchers and/or a basic income upon release to reduce recidivism
The welfare cliff could be fixed in public benefits to not discourage work / marriage
A housing voucher program could aid poverty
Cash could be given through rental subsidies, taxes, or child savings accounts to aid poverty
Diapers / diaper banks could be available to low income families
Apps could encourage saving / budgeting as well as offer financial advice / education / rewards
Healthy foods could be subsidized in the food stamp program
Moving to jobs could be easier for low-income people
Marriage disincentives in public benefit programs could change
U.S. child support could depend on a current income or be by providing child care
Private charity could not replace government programs or funding
Libraries could assist people with jobs and public benefits
An online account could distribute all public benefits
Public benefits could be deposited directly into savings accounts
Local and national social services could be searchable / applied for online
A rating and reviews website for local social services could be developed and used
Cash stipends could be given directly to the poor
Citizens could receive a basic / guaranteed income (with restrictions or on a EBT card)
Online benefit screening tools could be combined, streamlined, and allow people to apply for benefits online
Orphanages could be replaced by providing more support to families, adoption services, or good quality foster care
Asset limits for public benefits could be reformed to not discourage saving
A welfare emergency fund could be triggered into action by a poor economy
Ex-prisoners could have better access to benefits to decrease recidivism