Fenugreek paper could keep fruits and vegetables fresh longer
By Hicbd
Please login to commentAll public housing could be offered through portable rental vouchers
By Hicbd
As introduced in the Preservation, Enhancement, and Transition of Rental Assistance Act (PETRA) or Rental Housing Revitalization Act (H.R. 6468) to the House of Representatives in 2010 (which died in committee), all public housing residents could receive portable rental vouchers and people who were not low-income could live in public housing developments at market rents in order to preserve current housing, allow the private market to invest in housing, simplify rental assistance programs, and create mixed income communities.
Please login to commentThe "green dot" system could be used to reduce waste
By Hicbd
As used in the European Union to reduce waste, manufacturers could have to pay more or less for a “green dot” on products depending on how much packaging the product had.
Please login to commentA random sample of voters could decide elections
By Hicbd
Random-sample elections (where registered voters are randomly selected to vote in federal elections) could allow more educated and representative voting, reform campaign finance, and save money overall.
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Caleb | Non-representative, uneducated voters are included in a random sample. |
Caleb | Non-representative, uneducated voters are included in a random sample. |
Job sharing or short-time working could decrease unemployment
By Hicbd
Job sharing or short-time working could allow companies to make temporary, across the board reductions in hours worked by and wages paid to the same number of employees in order to reduce unemployment.
Please login to commentMealtics could be purchased by restaurant-goers to provide food to the needy
By Hicbd
Local soup kitchens and organizations could pick up meals to give to the needy and homeless.
Please login to commentThe birth control pill could be offered over-the-counter
By Hicbd
Pharmacies in metropolitan Seattle have experimented with a model of “safe use”—the Direct Access study—of making contraceptives available over the counter, in which community pharmacists were permitted to dispense hormonal contraceptives after a woman completed a self-administered screening tool. In addition, a progestin-only minipill could be offered that has low prevalence of contraindications.
Please login to commentThe EITC could be changed to minimize the distortion of incentives to work, marry, and have children
By Hicbd
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) could be increased to create more resources for children from noncustodial parents and from second-earners in two-parent families. It could provide all adult low-wage workers (ages 21-54) who work full time (30+ hours a week) a payment close to the current family EITC and be based on an individual’s personal income. Singles could be eligible regardless of dependents or marriage as could second earners in a married family to minimize the distortion of incentives to work, marry, and bear children. The minimum wage could also be indexed to inflation to make the EITC more effective and affordable.
Please login to commentThe U.S. minimum wage could be indexed to inflation / increased
By Hicbd
Studies suggest that a small increase in the minimum wage would not have a negative effect on overall employment rates, could decrease labor turnover therefore increasing labor productivity, could increase employment rates for single, low-income earners, and could increase consumer spending to stimulate the economy.
Please login to commentTaxpayers could receive receipts
By Hicbd
Taxpayers could be given receipts that show how their tax dollars are spent, making it easier for people to understand government spending.
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