Care kits with resources information for the homeless / humanitarian situations could be developed
CARE courts / easily available medication could help with mental illnesses / homelessness
A "document locker" could help people access social benefits
"Shallow rent subsidies" could prevent homelessness
Churches could provide homelessness services / shelter
Affordable housing nonprofits could spend less on lobbying and salaries / more on services
Psychiatric / addiction care for homelessness could be coordinated by the state rather than county
Homeless people could have safe parking lots for RVs / vehicles
People with mental / physical disabilities could work on care farms / inclusive communities
Haircuts / vet services could aid the homeless
Housing could be possible to obtain for those with past evictions / bad credit and motel stays could be less expensive
A Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool (FHSP) could assist with homelessness and affordable housing
Finding and obtaining available affordable housing could be easier
Homelessness / drug addiction could be dealt with more comprehensively than "Housing First"
Services delivered could be audited at nonprofits / government contractors and feedback could be continuously collected from service recipients
Homes / buildings could be 3-D printed and earthquake-resistant
Hotel / motel, apartments, tiny homes, vacation rentals, homes, and college dormitories could be converted to homeless / public / affordable housing
Homelessness government spending could be more efficient, less regulated, coordinated, prioritized, and tracked
Boarding housing and SROs could provide affordable housing
Car/van dwellers could sleep undisturbed in designated areas
Duplication, overlap, and fragmentation could be fixed for U.S. mental health services
People with mental health issues could go to state psychiatric centers/access assertive community treatment rather than nursing homes/prisons
The homeless could become employed or help sell things
Background checks could prevent housing for formerly incarcerated people
The homeless could work at animal shelters
Buy one-give one socks could be given to the homeless
Tenants could have easier access to legal help, right to legal counsel, and/or housing assistance
Jackets, coats, and clothes could be lit up, cooled, or heated
A single information system could be used for people seeking social / homeless / housing services
The elderly, veterans, homeless, and/or disabled could go to medical foster homes
Undocumented immigrants, foster children, homeless, and other vulnerable people could have municipal ID cards
Shipping containers could provide temporary, cheap housing
Homeless people could be reunited with their families
Interim housing could be provided to the homeless
Homeless shelters could be navigation centers
A 12-month program with paid work and housing could help ex-offenders, the homeless, and/or drug addicts
Real-time, person specific data could help end homelessness and target public services
Local governments could have one integrated data system and universal intake
A housing voucher program could aid poverty
Psychiatrists, addiction counselors, and/or licensed social workers could work with police
Absorbent underwear could help with periods and incontinence
Mentorship programs could help at-risk youth, drug addicts, homeless, ex-offenders, potential terrorists, immigrants, refugees, new employees, and students
Involuntary commitment laws could include complying with doctors' recommendations
Organizations could have open hiring practices / hire people with barriers
The homeless could go to restaurants
Trained responders could respond to mental health crises
Homeless people could be given tents and bedding
Hospitals could help to house and assist the homeless
Panhandlers could be offered a job for the day
Running / exercise programs could people who are homeless / have mental health issues / prisoners
Tiny homes in backyards could house the homeless
The homeless could have access to free laundry
What if contatless could help the homeless
Mobile showers and toilets could be provided to the homeless
Street medicine / doctors could deliver healthcare directly to the homeless
Coats could be sleeping bags
Citizens could call the government or nonprofits about homeless people
Homeless shelters or housing could allow drinking / drug use while providing treatment
Homeless shelters could allow alcoholics to drink
Street to Home could be a model to help chronically homeless individuals into housing
Housing first strategies could be used with the homeless
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) could prevent homelessness in people with severe mental illnesses
Mealtics could be purchased by restaurant-goers to provide food to the needy