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Festival could have crying babies

By Hicbd

"The Naki Sumo Crying Baby Festival is an annual Japanese festival in which babies are held in the arms of sumo wrestlers in an open-air sumo ring. Two babies compete in a short match in which the first child to cry is proclaimed the winner. According to Japanese folklore, a crying baby has the power to ward off evil spirits, while a strong, loud cry indicates the child will grow up strong and healthy."


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Festivals / Events Babies


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Lady Bird Lake in Austin could be safer with signs / guardrails

By Hicbd

"East Austin residents say drownings in Lady Bird Lake have been ongoing for decades, but the city has done very little to improve safety conditions in their neighborhood. Advocates say something as simple as signs and guardrails could help prevent future deaths."


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Austin (city)


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People could live in country clubs / communities

By Hicbd

"Nick believes millennials—born between 1981 and 1996—are tired of paying more for less in the city. In Austin, $3 million might buy a roughly 3,000-square-foot house on a small parcel, she says, whereas that same price in Barton Creek might buy a 5,000-square-foot to 6,000-square-foot house on a half to one acre in a community with easy access to four 18-hole golf courses, tennis, workout facilities, swimming and more."


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Community Development / Building / Loneliness Retirement Social / Country Clubs Real Estate


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Mindfulness could be through starfish breathing

By Hicbd

"Step 1: You and your child will put one hand up and make a starfish.
Step 2: Use your child’s other hand to track the perimeter of each finger and follow with their eyes.
Step 3: When their finger is going up, they will take a deep breath in,
Step 4: When their finger is going down, they will let out their breath."


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Child Development / Care Parenting Meditation / Mindfulness Hands / Fingers Personal Moods / Emotions


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Bread bags could use ties instead of potentially dangerous clips

By Hicbd

"The two studies were published in this week's Medical Journal of Australia. The author emphasises the dangers associated with hard plastic bread bag clips, and recommends replacing them with tape. Typically, people who swallow clips are elderly. The clips tend to snag on the small bowel lining, which causes obstruction or perforation."


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Pets Parenting Consumer Protection / Safety Elderly Care / Seniors Public Safety Bread Injuries Industrial / Product Design


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U.S. Medicaid could be more available to those in need / have less administrative errors

By Hicbd

"Several states keep the bar for qualifying “troublingly high” while adopting a “deeply moralizing tone” with barriers to entry such as work requirements...In the meantime, he advised handling the current unwinding and Medicaid enrollment in general with more care and efficiency, such as using existing information to re-enroll rather than onerous annual paperwork, as well as more oversight for MCOs."


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U.S. Mental Health Services Social Welfare Policy / Human Services / Public Benefits / Safety Net / Social Work U.S. Poverty U.S. Medicaid Addiction / Drug Addiction U.S. State Government U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) U.S. Local Government


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Chocolate chip cookies could be chip-less

By Hicbd

"A chocolate chipless cookie has a soft center, crisp edges, and tastes darkly sweet like caramel. And it doesn’t contain those pesky chocolate morsels."


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Cooking / Baking Cookies


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Grieving students could be given more / better support in schools

By Hicbd

"Childhood bereavement is all too common; the vast majority of children experience a significant loss by the time they complete high school. Yet grieving children are vastly overlooked—both in society at large and in schools in particular. Schools have a critical role to play in the grief journeys of children who have lost a loved one. Teachers’ and classmates’ responses to a student’s grief can either serve as a source of support and stability during a difficult time, or as an additional hurdle to surmount. Moreover, grief can have a serious impact on learning for school-age children; bereavement can manifest itself in decreased academic performance, social withdrawal, and behavioral problems."


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Child Development / Care Schools Guidance / School Counselors Grief / Mourning Nonprofit / NGO Idea


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Foster children could receive Social Security, death / survivorship, and/or veterans benefits rather than the state

By Hicbd

"After being placed in foster care, they discovered that government benefits that they should have been receiving after the deaths of their parents – Social Security, death or veterans benefits – had instead been claimed by the state...Nationally, three-quarters of those in foster care entitled to benefits (according to the Social Security Administration, more than 25,000 children) are affected by this practice. But Harfeld says most kids have no idea, since agencies often apply for survivor and disability benefits without giving notice to the child, or his or her relatives."


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Public Benefits / Social Safety Net Foster Care Social Welfare Policy / Human Services / Public Benefits / Safety Net / Social Work U.S. Poverty U.S. State Government U.S. Government Corruption / Oversight / Ethics / Institutional Capture


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Power grid / energy usage could be reduced with incentives / rewards

By Hicbd

"In California, a resident can sign up with a company called OhmConnect and earn discounts on their power bills by responding to signals of distress on the electric grid. You might get a text from OhmConnect at 4 p.m., for example, and respond by going around the house turning off lights and unnecessary appliances. That reduction would be measured at your electric meter, and you would get points from the company that could be turned into cash or rewards like gift cards."


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Energy / Fuel / Electricity Global Lighting / Power Business / Invention Idea Climate Change / Global Warming Gamification


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