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WHO / Gavi could have quicker vaccine access in pandemics

By Hicbd

"Three years after the last worldwide mpox outbreak, the W.H.O. still has neither officially approved the vaccines — although the United States and Europe have — nor has it issued an emergency use license that would speed access...One of these two approvals is necessary for UNICEF and Gavi, the organization that helps facilitate immunizations in developing nations, to buy and distribute mpox vaccines in low-income countries like Congo."


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World Health Organization (WHO) Vaccinations / Vaccines Pandemics / Epidemics Developing Countries


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Mayonnaise could be a secret ingredient in cakes / baked goods

By Hicbd

"In a 2001 piece for the Los Angeles Times, food writer Marion Cunningham noted, 'The use of mayonnaise, which seems puzzling in a cake, does two things: It gives the cake a luscious richness, and it keeps it moist and fresh tasting for much longer than a conventional cake.'"


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Cooking / Baking Desserts / Pastries Cakes Mayonnaise


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Homemade meals could be baked for neighbors

By Hicbd

"A non-profit organization aims to positively impact communities by connecting neighbors through homemade meal deliveries. Their mission is to feed families, spread kindness, and strengthen communities, especially during difficult times."


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Community Development / Building / Loneliness Website / Blog / App / Startup Idea Cooking / Baking Volunteering Nonprofit / NGO Idea Neighbors


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Babies / young kids could go to the movies

By Hicbd

"This is a mommy-and-me movie, and I'm here with my son, Nicolas, who was born in November. For the uninitiated, these are matinees where moms (and dads) can bring their babies to watch new movies, and not just kids' fare, without worrying about bothering everyone else with spit-up and freak-outs. We're all in the same boat, and so such typical infant outbursts are, if not necessarily cute, at least more acceptable in this setting."


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Movies / Film / Cinema Babies Family Friendly / Kid / Children Activities


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Brunch could offer "egg flights"

By Hicbd

"Egg flights are hard-boiled eggs cut in half and garnished with various toppings for a quick, easy, and protein-packed meal. These bite-sized creations can look a lot like deviled eggs, but don’t require you to mix the yolk with mayo or mustard before adding any other toppers."


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Restaurants Breakfast / Brunch Eggs


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Nurse practitioners could be well-trained

By Hicbd

"Standards for nurse practitioner program entry and training quality have declined, with 69% of all Family Nurse Practitioner students attending completely or mostly online training and 22% attending direct entry programs, which allow non-nurses to become nurse practitioners in as few as fifteen months. Despite having about 5% of the training of physicians, nurse practitioners are legally allowed to care for patients without physician supervision in half the states of the country and in all Veterans Administration facilities."


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Hospitals U.S. Healthcare Medical Malpractice Medical Boards Government Regulation / Oversight Lawsuits / Personal Injury Nursing / Healthcare Workers


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Wedding dresses could be in a library

By Hicbd

"In addition to her day job as the director of Maurice M. Pine Free Public Library in Fair Lawn, New Jersey, Puccio collects previously worn wedding dresses as a hobby...With a current stock of over 100 wedding dresses, Puccio has witnessed a near-constant stream of brides-to-be visit the library in hopes of saying “yes” to a dress among the stacks."


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Libraries Volunteering Weddings / Formal Events / Celebrations


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Baby powder mixes could prevent food allergies

By Hicbd

"During the brand's "Shark Tank" introduction, the founders presented a simple concept: Food allergies are developed over time. Through a proprietary powdered ingredient, parents can introduce gradually allergen ingredients, like peanut, eggs, and milk, through formula and breast milk. The idea is to give parents a simple, easy-to-follow method that takes the fear out of food allergy introduction."


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Business / Invention Idea Infant / Baby Care Food Allergies Direct-to-Consumer (DTC)


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Breastfeeding benefits could be oversold / prevent mothers from rest and time / affect mental health

By Hicbd

"Many of the benefits women hear about are speculative, or do not show up in the best data. It can feel as if policy is centred around the idea that, if women just believe this is important enough, it will magically work for them. But many women don’t need the promotion, they need support. They need help figuring out how to get breastfeeding to work, they need help managing supply, they need help with cracked and bleeding nipples. When women return to work, they need help with pumping logistics and support."


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Postpartum Care / Depression Breastfeeding / Breast Milk / Baby Formula Medical / Health Research Maternal Health / Motherhood / Postpartum Care Gynecology / OB-GYNs / Midwives / Doulas


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Tips could not be taxed

By Hicbd

"Tax-free tips might help a relatively small number of waiters at high-end restaurants. And they could reward hotel owners such as Trump by slowing efforts to raise the minimum wage for tipped workers. But many tipped workers make so little income that they already pay little or no income tax. Trump’s idea also would create many new opportunities to game the tax system, which inevitably would result in new IRS regulations aimed at curbing tax avoidance. And a tax-exemption for tips violates every rule of tax equity. Why should a service worker avoid tax on tips while a warehouse employee earning exactly the same income must pay tax on wages?"


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Tipping Taxes U.S. Poverty


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