Water Hyacinth Material Sea Animal Prosthetics
By Danielle
Particularly, sharks whose fins have been cut off.
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Hicbd | Thanks Danielle! |
By Annette
What if we outlawed any cigarette that has a filter or nub or end piece after smoking. This would prevent toxic pollution as well as prevent forest fires.
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Hicbd | Thanks Annette! |
By Greg
Wouldn't it be great if karaoke could be all relaxing, slow songs along with spa activities?
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Hicbd | Thanks Greg! |
Why not design bank accounts or debit cards for drug addicts?
By Mai
the temptation to spend money on drugs is very high - addicts could benefit from a bank account that is designed to only spend money on necessities
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Hicbd | Thanks Mai! |
A basic income could be only spent on certain things
By Priya
Areas like food, housing, transportation, entrepreneurship, childcare, job training, healthcare, and education could be good
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Hicbd | Thanks Priya! |
By Wes
Hello. My name is Wes Warriner. I'm a full time Uber/Lyft driver writing to you to present my patent-pending wrist-pain reducing technology to companies/investors in attempt to seek licensing and/or startup funding or meeting setup. This mechanical technology has many fields of use in many industries including medical devices, health & fitness, lawn/garden equipment, bicycles, luggage bags, briefcases, and a few others. My method maximizes stabilizer muscles growth in forearms, wrists, and elbows due to transferring energy more efficiently. Energy is now taken away from the pivoting joints and into the stabilizer muscles due to its swivel-like feature making it easier to maneuver without changing what we're doing. I believe investors would benefit greatly financially because there are many markets of financial return coming back to them. If you would you like to contact me to setup a meeting/appointment, feel free to reach me via email or cell phone. Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you. Have a nice day and new year.
Wes Warriner
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Hicbd | Thanks for the idea Wes! |
One step .. It starts from you
By Oum
Je m'échappé le plus souvent de mes études sous prétexte d'heure parfois la morale tjrs y a un excuse... Ms aujourd'hui c'est pour écrire qlqch qui me touchait ce n'est pas pour la première fois ms ça fait longtemps j'ai hésité entre dévoiler mes pensées et fnlmt j'avais le courage à dire ... C'est notre monde y a pas mal de sujets à traiter à parler de.. mais les 2 qui me touchent en premier lieu et à l échelle internationale c'est l Islamophobie et au niveau national c est la marginalization si je pouvais décrire mon monde en un seul mot ça serait raciste. Je remercie d avoir inventer ce mot qui résume pas mal de souffrance dans notre alentour... Je sais que pas mal d entre vous vont dire mais non y a bcp de choses extras il faut pas croire qu'aux mauvaises choses mais je disais mais il faut au moins l'en parler,si on n'arriverait pas à les changer donc essayons de les partager.. Je ne suis pas du tout pessimiste ou de ce genre mais à quel point on restera comme ça... Autant que musulman vous, toi et moi nous devrons bien présenter notre religion chassez les idées de fanatisme... Une coexistence pacifique cdq je parle... Et concernant notre société ne restais pas assis en attendant qlqch d'extra... Bouger, nous savons tous notre pays faut bcp pour arriver, je souligne le mot bcp, mais ça ne veut pas dire que tu ne vas pas arriver à ton but là tentative sera une satisfaction pour toi.... C une petit idée formulée dans bcp de lignes que chacun peut la traduire à sa façon et j espère qu'elle vous motive à réfléchir et le plus à agir
Nb: peut être que ma langue n'est pas si parfaite mais j espère que vous recevrez l' idee
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Hicbd | Thanks Oum! |
New idea of increasing magnetism of magnet
By Gyandev
My name is gyandev das. I am 14years old and read in class8. It is a idea for increasing magnetism of magnet. First take a magnet and then take a copper wire and round it on magnet as toroid and connect with a dc current source or battery.after few minutes magnetism of magnet is increased. Because in copper wire magnetic field is produced and magnet also contain magnetic field and magnet attract all the magnetism of copper wire.
After this project i have a idea to check anamea and malaria disease ib humans only in 60rs.
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Hicbd | Hi Gyandev, we would love the anemia and malaria idea, thanks for this magnet idea! |
Gyandev | Thanks, hicbd for your lovely comment |
By Nasa
Create old people homes in less expensive countries for elderly int he west to retire to.
Please login to commentBy Joey
I had an idea for electric cars that I've had patented. I'd like to try to publish it if possible. I've tried sharing the idea with some automobile companies but they get large volumes of suggestions and it's hard to get them to take a good look at my idea.
The idea itself would be able to charge an electric car as the car is being driven. It's essentially a tube with a diameter of about 1 foot that spans the length of the car, positioned above the wheel axles and between the driver and passenger seats. There would be multiple wind turbines aligned along the inside of the tube, all facing the front of the car, so that as the car is being driven, air passes through the tube which spins each turbine and charges the car.
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Joey | This idea could potentially charge an electric car is the car is being driven. |
Joey | This idea could potentially charge an electric car is the car is being driven. |