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Are Video Games Sexist?

By Ainsley
Wed Mar 10 2021 5:59 pm

Are video games Sexist??


Say you found a great new game, and the starting character is male, and you have to pay for a new character. How do you feel?? Is this the case in most games? Video games are sexist because the number of female protagonists in games still lags behind the abundance of male ones, the way female characters are designed and depicted has often been sexualised and is derogatory, and us girls don't need a knight or even a king to come save us.
Body #1:

Sometimes you try to play a new game, but the starting character is the opposite gender. This is certainly the case for girls. Video games are sexist because there are more boy characters then girls. In a recent study at Indian Valley Middle School, 40 students were asked these questions. “What do you see more of?” Male or Female characters. 91.9% of students said that they saw more male characters then female characters in video games. The students were then asked, “Do you think there should be more female characters or "Skins" in games? And 76.9% said yes. This information shows that video games are sexist. Don't believe me? Read on.

Body #2:

Do you ever hate how exaggerated the girls characters in a game are, if there are any female characters to start with? A report from Shows that they believe “girls characters are drawn with exaggerated figures and minimal clothing.” This is true and shown in these games: Bayonetta, Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy VII, The Witcher, Metroid, Lollipop Chainsaw, yes Andrew, EVEN fortnite and many MANY more. In games like these, designers don't leave much room for the girls who don't dress with minimal and provocative clothing. The girls are usually exaggerated, and made to look unrealistic. Some girls find disappointment in these characters and feel that they are left out by this. Which brings me to my next point.

Body #3:

Video games are saturated with stereotypes. “Since their origins, video games have tended to portray women as characters needing help or holding passive roles.” This was stated by The Frontires website. First of all, I speak for almost all girls when I say “We can take care of ourselves, and we don't need a man to come swooping in to save us.” In lots of games this is the case. So for all of the designers out there that make us females look like the helpless, in need of service, pick-me kind of girls, Please think about the people you might be offending and hurting before you publish your game for the whole world to see, and criticize. And for the rest of you readers, you don't have to stay silent. Tell the world that video games need to change and it needs to be soon.


So to sum up everything i have stated, Video games are sexist because the number of female protagonists in games still lags behind the abundance of male ones, the way female characters are designed and depicted has often been sexualised and is derogatory, and us girls don't need a knight or even a king to come save us. Thank you.


Women / Girl / Feminism Issues Gender Equality Video Games / Gaming


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Hicbd thank you Ainsley, important points!


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