Clothes could be made from milk, helping those with textile allergies
By Hicbd
Please login to commentBreathalyzers could be built into cars
By Hicbd
Breathalyzers could be built into cars as touch or breath based sensors that do not allow the car to move if someone's blood alcohol level is above .08%.
Please login to commentA blood market could be developed to help meet demand
By Hicbd
As shown by General Blood, blood could be bought from areas with excess capacity and sold to hospitals and clinics running short on blood. More hospitals could have dual suppliers (General Blood and blood banks) to meet their demands.
Please login to commentSecurity checkpoints could have information on the estimated wait time
By Hicbd
Travelers could then plan ahead accordingly.
Please login to commentAirport security checkpoints could allow nonallowable items to be shipped
By Hicbd
TSA could partner with USPS and provide a flat fee shipment service from security checkpoints so travelers could ship mistakenly carried items home.
Please login to commentBanks could design and market savings accounts to low income consumers
By Hicbd
Banks could offer accounts profitably, at a loss with the lifetime value of the customer exceeding the initial investment of offering the savings accounts as an entry product, or consider the savings accounts to be part of their community development efforts.
Please login to commentBy Hicbd
As shown in Tibetan Butter tea and in the Hindu Kush region of northern Pakistan, tea could be salty.
Please login to commentWindcatchers could create natural air conditioning
By Hicbd
As used in the Middle East, windcatchers could be built to create cooling, natural ventilation in buildings.
Please login to commentClouds could be created to mirror and reflect the sun to cool the earth
By Hicbd
Please login to commentSulfur laden smoke from coal burning plants could be spewed into the stratosphere to cool the earth
By Hicbd
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