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How Homeless Shelters / Housing could be different

Psychiatric / addiction care for homelessness could be coordinated by the state rather than county

Haircuts / vet services could aid the homeless

Services delivered could be audited at nonprofits / government contractors and feedback could be continuously collected from service recipients

A rehabilitative model / cash support / schools / places to sleep could be used to help street children

Hotel/motel, apartments, tiny homes, vacation rentals, homes, and college dormitories could be converted to homeless/public/affordable housing

Homelessness government spending could be more efficient, less regulated, coordinated, prioritized, and tracked

Prisons and domestic violence / homeless shelters could have pets from animal shelters

The homeless could work at animal shelters

Homeless shelters could be navigation centers

Homeless people could be given tents and bedding

Tiny homes in backyards could house the homeless

Homeless shelters or housing could allow drinking / drug use while providing treatment

Housing first strategies could be used with the homeless