Too early / single ultrasounds could lead to false miscarriage diagnoses
Therapists could be more regulated / accountable
Nurse practitioners could be regulated to be well-trained
The breastfeeding "Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative" could be harmful to new mothers / babies
FDA warning letters could be more effective
Vaginal stitching / numbing / anesthesia could be botched / better during childbirth
Operating rooms / hospitals could have video / audio recording capability
Untreated strep throat / rheumatic fever could lead to heart damage / arthritis / behavioral disorders / kidney failure / sepsis
Medical expertise / advice / diagnosis could be automated by AI
Atherectomies / artery / vascular surgery could be leading to high rates of amputations / death
Medical gaslighting could not happen
Cervical membrane sweeping could be an informed choice / consent in childbirth and might not work
Miscarriages could be misdiagnosed
Healthcare could have less unnecessary medical procedures that possibly cause harm and cost billions
Medical research could be scientifically valid and free from conflicts of interest
Medical boards could evaluate doctors, type of prescriptions given, and fatal / non-fatal overdoses
Medical autopsies could be improved
Medical residency could be less stressful and labor intensive
Problem doctors could have their operating privileges suspended by medical boards and institutions/medical personnel could face negligence damages for not reporting them
Clinicians could be given "safe harbor" protection from medical malpractice liability when following clinical practice guidelines