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How Ethical / Eco Consumerism could be different

Toilet paper could fund sanitation projects / be made from bamboo or recycled fibres

Lung diseases could be prevented among miners / effective masks could be available

Nonstick pans could be harmful / polluting

Spices could be single-origin, fresh, and beneficial for farmers

Sheep shearing / the handling of merino sheep / wool could be humane and climate-friendly

Cruise ships could pollute less / dump less sewage / use different fuel

Products / local industries could have an "economic nutrition label"

Certain seafood could be not eaten to rebuild wild populations / prevent toxins / protect health

Leather / beef / soy could cause rainforest deforestation

Domestic workers could have better labor conditions / rights

Metals could be fair trade and environmentally sustainable

Seafood could be made from plants

Gold mining could not destroy the Amazon rainforest

The demand for rosewood furniture could be decreased to save lemurs, endangered species, and forests

Shrimp farming could be destructive to mangroves and create abusive labor practices

Sustainable/dolphin-safe seafood labeling could be fake

Dolphin, whales, porpoises could not be illegally killed

SUVs / trucks / cars could be made safer for pedestrians / bikers

Shark fin soup could not be eaten

Beauty products could be fair trade, vegan, not animal-tested, and organic

Children / slaves could not mine for mica, cobalt, gold, salt, talc, gems, and other metal/minerals