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How Democracy could be different

Development could focus on the middle-class / higher education to build sustainable democracies

Civil grand juries could help keep government accountable

Freedom of speech could be protected

Penalties could occur for harassing, intimidating, threatening, etc. election workers / volunteers

Legislatures could learn from democratic lawmakers in other countries

Censorship could instead lead to discussion / debate / engagement

Blockchain could create secure and transportable identification, health, land, education, financial, voting, and employment records

News organizations / media / companies could not take money from authoritarian regimes

Permanent NGOs with local professionals could be established in countries to encourage peace and democracy

Economic development could or could not lead to democracy

Democracies could not have ethnic/tribal/religious political parties

Companies / people could not bribe, give donations, and/or gifts to government officials

Offshore banking / dark money could be reformed to prevent corruption / crime / terrorism / human trafficking / tax evasion / wars / repressive and corrupt governments

Debate / critical thinking / logic could be taught

Authoritarian states could or could not create economic growth

Citizens could access government records

Policymaking could be open and collaborative

Civics education could be a part of school curriculums

Decentralization could or could not lead to better government

Meritocratic recruitment/rewards/wages/benefits, smaller government, intrinsic motivation, decentralization, and performance monitoring/auditing/feedback could improve governments

Schools could be democratic

Reliability and accuracy of voting systems could be improved / explained to citizens

Voting could be accessible and accurate for citizens

Diverse citizens could make recommendations on laws

Media opinion pieces could be factually accurate

Lotteries could be used to fill (student) government seats

Consulting, lobbying, law firms, banks, and public relations companies could not assist authoritarian governments, corruption, organized crime, or have unethical practices

Democracy vouchers could be a part of campaign finance

Elections and/or legislatures could have gender and/or diversity quotas

Identity verification could be required on social media platforms

Local investigative reporting and newspapers could be funded by philanthropy / become nonprofit / have a sustainable business model

Think tanks and investigative reporting could be strengthened in developing countries

Government agencies, schools, hospitals, police, universities, foundations, prisons, workplaces, elections, judiciary systems, and nonprofits could collect, publicize, and use citizen feedback

Small-dollar contributions could be based on how politicians vote

Small dollar funding could support political campaigns

Direct democracy

Individuals and organizations could track, oppose, or endorse legislation online

Governments, scientists, and institutions could have transparent and online data

Committee staff members could be selected by a nonpartisan House or Senate administrator

Congressional districts could be redrawn by an independent, non- or bipartisan commission