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How Spiritual Guidance / Healing could be different

Misogi could be practiced yearly

Mountains could be worshipped

A sunrise ocean ceremony could start the day

A fish could reveal moods

Tobacco could be a psychedelic and used in ceremonies

Animal tracking could lead to personal transformation

Meditation could be from whirling

Fake gurus and teachings could be beneficial

Philosophies / teachings of Tony Robbins could change lives

The ego could die

Indian/vedic astrology could give spiritual guidance, auspicious days, and love matches

Drinks could reveal fortunes

Tarot cards could be used in psychotherapy

Adults could go to summer camps or wellness retreats

A growth versus fixed mindset could be taught in school

The concept of ikigai could lead to a fulfilling life

Surfing could be for the soul

Wilderness treks could help with personal growth and mental health

Auras could be read

Psychedelic drugs / plant-based medicine could help with mental health issues, PTSD, peacebuilding, and addiction more effectively than current psychiatric drugs