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How Men / Boy Issues could be different

Male circumcision could reduce HIV/AIDs spread

Boys could start school a year later

Urinals could be splash-free

Cooling underwear could improve male fertility, testosterone, and relieve scrotal pain

Sperm could be frozen

Antipsychotics / antidepressants / ADHD drugs could be linked with violence / murder

Men could be encouraged to be proactive and transparent about health

Changing tables could be private and/or in all public restrooms

Fathers could be engaged more in U.S. social policy

A beard bib could make sink cleanup a breeze

Sperm quality and age could be related to longevity

Men, women, and transgender could have support groups

Circumcision could be risky and unnecessary

Law firm employment could be possible for working mothers and fathers

Divorces could require no courts, lawyers, or judges

Sexuality research and educational resources could be found online

Men could do yoga

Orgasm gaps could be less in relationships

"Locker room talk" could not occur in Wall Street, Hollywood, and other industries

U.S. child support could depend on a current income or be by providing child care

Women and men could not be called sexist words

Stock photos could feature new, non-stereotypical images