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How Soil / Land could be different

Desert could become soil

Microbial fungus on seeds could restore carbon in soil, promote plant growth, and grow with less water

Plants could grow on the moon

Vineyards could have mustard flowers

Phosphorous could be collected and used differently

Cocoons could help seeds grow in harsh climates

Solar panels could benefit land underneath

Composting toilets could be available in areas lacking sanitation

Degraded or abandoned land could be brought back to life

Bamboo could restore soil, reduce deforestation, grow faster than other plants, and act as carbon sinks

Regenerative agriculture/soil could have a big effect on climate change and health

Hemp could be an eco-friendly and productive crop

Crops could be richer in vitamins, minerals, and beneficial gut bacteria

Cover crops or conservation agriculture could be used for biodiversity, better soil, and water management

Glysophate / pesticides / herbicides could have harmful effects on animal and human health

Farming could be biodynamic, silvopasture, permaculture, or wild