School systems could spend less on consultants / tech / data collection / new curriculums
By Hicbd
"Public education has become a money making machine for tech, testing, textbook, and consulting companies. Millions of dollars are spent every year chasing the latest trend, which does nothing to help children learn the basics...Teachers spend more time “collecting data,” filling in digital forms, writing ridiculously detailed lesson plans, and sitting in worthless professional development than they do interacting with individual students who need their support."
Please login to commentSupper clubs / underground dining / pop-ups could be hosted in homes or other venues
By Hicbd
"I think supper clubs are only getting bigger, and that’s down to the community of people who like to explore new food spots and want something different from their usual eateries. There’s a whole culture that comes along with the supper club world: those who want to experience their favorite up-and-coming chef in an intimate space, others who want to share their new favorite natty wine, and some who want a fun space to catch up with old friends. If anyone is thinking of doing their own one, then please do! It’s such a great way to present your food for one night of fun."
Please login to commentFreedom of speech could be protected
By Hicbd
"England and the UK also have hate speech laws which can see people prosecuted for slurs against minority groups, while the First Amendment prevents the imposition of any such laws in America. Maher also referenced France, where it is illegal to deny the Holocaust - a law that exists also in Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, Canada, and multiple other countries. Holocaust denial is not illegal in the UK, but a February 2019 landmark case saw a blogger prosecuted for the 'grossly offensive' concept."
Please login to commentGirls could have access to / play sports
By Hicbd
"Girls who play sports do better in school, suffer fewer health problems, achieve more in subjects (such as science) long dominated by men, and hold better jobs. While lowering barriers to girls in education and labor markets, all countries, especially in the developing world, should incorporate physical education programs for girls, train teachers in gender sensitivity, and guarantee equal access to facilities, equipment, and mentors."
Please login to commentYoga classes could be donation-based
By Hicbd
"Anecdotes like this reaffirm for me why I wanted to open a donation-based yoga studio in the first place. Since opening my Louisville, Colo.-based studio Yoga Hive in Sept. 2017, I’ve been navigating what works, and what doesn’t, when it comes to the donation-based model. I’ve adapted along the way."
Please login to commentAffordable short musical / dance / art performances could be available to book
By Hicbd
"The solution came in the form of Street Theatre, a digital company that focuses on affordable short musical performances across the UK, bringing entertainment to people’s homes and doorsteps. Kristina reached out to artists, dancers, singers and musicians who were between contracts, signing them on to perform at private events and to give them a chance to share their skill and passion."
Please login to commentCities / nonprofits / apps could offer befriending services
By Hicbd
"Befriending offers supportive, reliable relationships through volunteer befrienders to people who would otherwise be socially isolated. Around the UK, there are befriending projects which organise effective support for children and young people, families, people with mental ill-health, people with learning disabilities and older people, amongst many others."
Please login to commentBy Hicbd
"Most of pregnancy happens between visits — and parents need care long after the baby comes home. Millie brings you the support and knowledge you need before you know you need it...As moms and care providers, we know the current system is broken. The incomplete, reactive, and often over-medicalized care it provides can leave us feeling unsupported and vulnerable — and it is why we have some of the worst outcomes in the high-income world."
Please login to commentNews media, journalism, and/or social media could be independent of government / censorship
By Hicbd
"The Stanford Internet Observatory, the University of Washington, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, and Graphika all have inadequately-disclosed ties to the Department of Defense, the C.I.A., and other intelligence agencies. They work with multiple U.S. government agencies to institutionalize censorship research and advocacy within dozens of other universities and think tanks...Congress should immediately cut off funding to the censors and investigate their activities. Second, it should mandate instant reporting of all conversations between social media executives, government employees, and contractors concerning content moderation.
Please login to commentWild horses could rehabilitate people / raise money
By Hicbd
"Today, federal land managers say the number of wild horses is nearly three times what it should be – and left unchecked, their population can double every five years...Most inmates have earned the right to be here, transferred for good behavior from more restrictive state prisons. And each day about 30 inmates report to work in a maze of chutes and pens with wild horses weighing up to 1,000 pounds – their job is to transform these mustangs from wild burdens of the state into riding horses that can fetch thousands at auction."
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