Bars / spaces could be for listening
By Hicbd
"For an audience member, Audium’s experience starts the moment one walks through the entrance. The themes of the night are already seeping into one’s consciousness via sound, projection and art in the lobby. The crowd is ushered down a twisting, darkened hallway, with hidden speakers zipping sounds around. Listeners then sit in the auditorium, in total darkness, and are enveloped by 176 speakers in sloping walls, a floating floor, and a suspended ceiling. Sounds are “sculpted” through their movement, direction, speed and intensity on multiple planes in space. Live performance of composed works gives a human, interactive element to Audium’s spatial electronic orchestra."
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"Mosley, a former state police officer who moonlights as a NASCAR driver, was elected jailer of Laurel County Kentucky in 2012. Without the option to sell tobacco in his commissary, the jail saw a new set of problems emerge, like withdrawal issues, inmate fighting, and an increase in black market trading of tobacco. Furthermore, Mosley found that corrections staff had one less privilege to take away from inmates to discourage bad behavior...Mosley got the idea to introduce a vape option to his jail, but all of the ones on the market were too easily turned into weapons. So he invented a solution."
Please login to commentGangs could use differently colored paintball guns
By Hicbd
"The spike in the unusual shootings was blamed on Atlanta rapper 21 Savage, the most notable of the hip hop artists who launched a movement called “guns down, paintballs up” encouraging people to swap real guns for the recreational kind."
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"Military suppliers consolidated at the Cold War’s end, under pressure to reduce defense costs and streamline the nation’s industrial base. Over the past three decades, the number of fixed wing aircraft suppliers in the U.S. has declined from eight to three. During the same period, major surface ship producers fell from eight to two, and today, only three American companies supply over 90% of the Pentagon’s missile stockpile. Lower-tier defense firms are often the sole maker of vital parts—such as black powder—and a single crisis can bring production to a standstill."
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"It might surprise many Americans that food manufacturers are technically allowed to infuse products with additives that are banned in many parts of the world because they come with some significant health risks such as a higher liklihood of cancer or lower sperm counts affecting fertility. Potassium bromate, for instance, is ubiquitous in many store-bought breads. But it can irritate the nose, throat, and lungs and cause shortness of breath and wheezing."
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"Much (an estimated 40%) of the mercury that eventually finds its way into fish originates with coal-burning power plants and chlorine production plants...Mercury in the United States frequently comes from power plants, which release about 50% of the nation's mercury emissions. In other countries, such as Ghana, gold mining often uses mercury compounds, leading to workers receiving significant quantities of mercury while performing their jobs. Such mercury from gold mines is specifically known to contribute to biomagnification in aquatic food chains. Elemental mercury often comes from coal power plants, and oxidized mercury often comes from incinerators. Oil-fired power plants also contribute mercury to the environment."
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"Thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative, is still in 48 million U.S. flu vaccines each year, tetanus toxoid, meningococcal vaccines and, in massive doses, in the pediatric vaccines given to 100 million children across the developing world. A Centers for Disease Control (CDC) review published last month found that the ethylmercury in thimerosal is as profoundly neurotoxic as the heavily regulated methylmercury in fish...Even studies listed by the CDC on its website, to exonerate thimerosal as an autism culprit, link thimerosal exposure to low IQ, diminished language and motor skills, and tics, a family of neurological disorders that includes Tourette Syndrome."
Please login to comment"Shallow rent subsidies" could prevent homelessness
By Hicbd
"A shallow rental subsidy program provides a long-term rental subsidy to participants in order to help them achieve housing stability and prevent homelessness or reentry into homelessness. The subsidies are considered “shallow” compared to traditional “deep” subsidies such as those provided by Housing Choice Vouchers and Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) because they provide a lower level of assistance, often based on a set monthly amount."
Please login to commentPeople could have "panic years"
By Hicbd
"During what I call 'the panic years' — that tricky period between adolescence and the menopause where you must choose the shape of your future — there will always be decisions. Decisions about work, love and friendship; about money, family and home; about sex, power and your body. But all those decisions are wrought more urgent by the big decision, the mother of all decisions, the only decision that has a biological deadline: should you have a baby?"
Please login to commentPro athletes could have help transitioning into careers
By Hicbd
"But for every elite sportsperson who carves out a successful post-retirement career there are thousands of unknown, yet just as committed, GB representatives from less high-profile sports who retire each year facing hardship. Even Neil Webb, an ex-England midfielder, was reported to be struggling to make a living as a postman...Holmes wants to break the expectation that elite sportspeople can only be useful as motivational speakers and to prove to them and employers that they have a much broader range of skills."
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