Different emergency sirens could mean different threats / people could understand them
By Hicbd
"Emergency sirens have several different meanings depending on the tones– however, many people seem unclear on what exactly they're signaling...There are three types of siren tones in the Tulsa area signaling tornados/chemical agents, flooding or a nuclear attack. Hear samples of the tones here."
Please login to commentSubmarine pitching could be used in baseball
By Hicbd
"In baseball, a submarine is a pitch in which the ball is released often just above the ground, but not underhanded, with the torso bent at a right angle, and shoulders tilted so severely that they rotate around a nearly horizontal axis...The rarity of submarine pitchers is almost certainly attributable to its unusual technique. It is not typically a natural style of throwing—it is often a learned style—and because the vast majority of pitchers use an overarm motion, most young pitchers are encouraged to throw overhand. Though the bending motion required to pitch effectively as a submariner means that submariners may be more at risk of developing back problems, it is commonly thought that the submarine motion is less injurious to the elbow and shoulder."
Please login to commentA puffer coat could be a gown / cape
By Hicbd
"Alas, Italian fashion brand Moncler is making the fashion hybrid happen — and dare we say, it's pretty neat. The brand's 2018 collection is an homage to the puffer coat and even dares to re-create it in evening gown form...Yet, somehow, Moncler made it work by paying tribute to the puffer coat in all its forms in its new collection. They're now selling an embellished cinched-waist puffer coat, a down-quilted puffer cape, long puffer gloves, and a sleeveless puffer evening dress, available in pink and blue."
Please login to commentMayonnaise could be a good marinade / cooking ingredient
By Hicbd
"Mayonnaise is a savior in a spread, a miracle in a jar, a genie in a bottle. Besides decking out our sandwiches and dressing up our grain bowls, it makes the fluffiest pancakes, the fudgiest chocolate cake. It can even remove watermarks from tables, stickers from jars, mistakes from the past...We love this for the same reason we love mayo on the outside of a grilled cheese—it stalls burning, bronzes evenly, and adds rich flavor."
Please login to commentFull body scans could detect cancer
By Hicbd
"It's estimated that 2 million people will be diagnosed with cancer this year, in the United States alone, and hundreds of thousands will die. But what if there was a way to get a diagnosis sooner? With the help of technology some companies are claiming to do just that with a full-body MRI."
Please login to commentThe U.S. / world could have more public swimming pools / lessons
By Hicbd
"Bennasia was one of the estimated 4,000 people who die by drowning every year across the United States in a public health crisis America has largely ignored...By many available measures, public pools can be the safest places to swim. They are more likely to be better maintained and importantly, staffed by lifeguards. Many provide free or low-cost swim lessons, something millions of Americans couldn’t otherwise afford. They give kids a safe place to play. They offer the promise of a safe dip to anyone who wants one and to many who have nowhere else to go."
Please login to commentOperating rooms / hospitals could have video / audio recording capability
By Hicbd
"But the families say they could have known much more if cameras had been installed in the operating rooms, recording the actions and movements of the doctors and staffers involved. They are enthusiastic supporters of a growing movement that is seeking to require hospitals and surgical suites to have video and audio recording capability. Now, a surgeon in Toronto has built a “black box” that synchronizes a patient’s physical data with video and audio recordings of an operation, enabling doctors to review their work the same way athletes watch video of their performances. And he said he has lined up two U.S. hospital systems to take part in the first testing of the system."
Please login to commentPatients who are dying could choose whether or not they want CPR
By Hicbd
"A patient with terminal cancer who is resuscitated will still have terminal cancer. In those cases, the most humane approach may be to ease the pain of the dying process, rather than build a bridge to nowhere...How can physicians help patients make these choices in advance? Part of it is education. Studies have found that half of patients changed their wishes when they learned the true survival rates of CPR, or after watching a video depicting the reality of CPR."
Please login to commentAirplane / public bathrooms could be more accessible for the disabled
By Hicbd
"As a wounded veteran who uses a wheelchair, Charles Brown knows that for those with disabilities, flying often means going without access to a bathroom...Now that’s happening. Under the new DOT rule, starting in three years, new planes will be required to have accessibility features like bathroom grab bars and call buttons. In 2033, new planes must expand their bathrooms."
Please login to commentLK-99 could be the first room-temperature, ambient-pressure superconductor
By Hicbd
"The papers, with lead authors from the Quantum Energy Research Centre in South Korea, claim that LK-99 is the world’s first room-temperature ambient-pressure superconductor. In other words, it can conduct electricity without any resistance in a typical setting. To go Sith Lord on the topic, eliminating resistance is everything. Power grids and electronics waste tons of electricity today because of resistance in less efficient materials."
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