Maple sap could be poured on snow for dessert
By Hicbd
"Maple taffy (sometimes maple toffee in English-speaking Canada, tire d'érable or tire sur la neige in French-speaking Canada; also sugar on snow or candy on the snow or leather aprons in the United States) is a sugar candy made by boiling maple sap past the point where it would form maple syrup, but not so long that it becomes maple butter or maple sugar. It is part of traditional culture in Quebec, Eastern Ontario, New Brunswick and northern New England. In these regions, it is poured onto the snow, then lifted either with a small wooden stick, such as a popsicle stick, or a metal dinner fork."
Please login to commentPregnant women could have the right / ability to get elective c-sections
By Hicbd
"When first-time mother Melanie approached her obstetrician-gynecologist in Ontario to request a caesarean birth plan, she found his response unsettling. 'I was told I didn’t have a right to choose how I could bring my daughter into this world, that no OB-GYN would honour my request. I would have to get over it and give birth vaginally. He also told me he did not agree with doctors that do honour them.'...A recent study from researchers at the University of Ottawa suggests planned caesarean births are safe and may have fewer short-term complications compared to planned vaginal births, which include forceps deliveries and emergency surgery."
Please login to commentPublic pensions could be too high in some places / to some people / could be capped at some amount
By Hicbd
"Why should hard-working Californians, many of whom face uncertain retirements, be asked to pay higher taxes, or endure painful budget cuts to schools, public safety, parks, and hospitals, to fund gold-plated public pensions? They shouldn’t...Making matters worse, thanks to complicit politicians, the state and local governments have failed to adequately fund these overly-generous pensions. The large and growing public pension debt crisis is the inevitable result."
Please login to commentTumbleweeds could turn into light fixtures / art
By Hicbd
"Tumbleweeds may be just dead foliage blowin' in the wind. But artist Jenn Isbell transforms these clusters of large, poky branches into working chandeliers. She illuminates correspondent Luke Burbank on the inspiration, and hazards, of working with tumbleweeds."
Please login to commentSquatters could not have rights / abilities to stay on properties
By Hicbd
"Local authorities have done little to assist homeowners for a variety of reasons – from political calculations to negligence. Instead, they force landowners to go into overtaxed housing courts with notoriously slow dockets. It often takes months or years to get an eviction order."
Please login to commentChoosing a Roth 401(k) could not make financial sense compared with a traditional 401(k)
By Hicbd
"You’re way more likely to have a lower income in retirement than you have today, so you’ll likely be in a lower tax bracket in the future...I would say that Sall overlooks one key element of contributing to a Roth, and that element is future tax rates."
Please login to commentMilitary training in Africa could lead to coups / destabilization
By Hicbd
"Since 2008, in fact, U.S.-trained officers have attempted at least nine coups (and succeeded in at least eight) across five West African countries, including Burkina Faso (three times), Guinea, Mali (three times), Mauritania, and the Gambia...Gaetz, citing The Intercept’s coverage of coups by U.S.-trained West African officers, pointed out that AFRICOM actually has no idea how many coups its charges have conducted, nor does it keep a list of how many times such takeovers have happened."
Please login to commentFarmworkers / construction / all workers could be prevented from heatstroke / kidney damage / death
By Hicbd
"Agricultural workers are 35 times more likely to die of heat than other workers, followed by construction workers, who are 14 times more likely to die of heat stress than others...Preliminary studies indicate that electrolytes could help. In the absence of legal protections, Chicas is educating workers about additional measures they can take — for instance, wearing cooling bandannas or cooling vests to lower their body temperature and taking breaks in the shade before their body temperature spins out of control...In mid-August, she will start testing a new biopatch on construction workers. The sensor on the patch that workers wear on their chest can send alerts when the core body temperature rises critically or when other alarming signals indicate heat stress."
Please login to commentBy Hicbd
"A number of university trustees, faculty and staff members are calling for more transparent financial data that they can access about their schools in the wake of a Wall Street Journal investigation that highlighted large spending increases at 50 state flagship universities....That’s in part because some universities provide only minimal information to those with oversight, for instance handing trustees pie charts or high-level summaries rather than detailed budgets."
Please login to commentCops could patrol on roller skates
By Hicbd
"Police in Pakistan's largest city, Karachi, are deploying an armed rollerblading unit to curb theft and harassment on its teeming streets...The rollerblading police - who follow in the footsteps of similar units in Europe and elsewhere - are expected to begin officially next month, but they were recently spotted outside the venue of the Pakistan Super League cricket tournament."
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