Existing brokerage accounts / pre-built strategies could be automatically copied from top investors
By Hicbd
"Autopilot is an iOS based app that let’s you copy trade investors like Nancy Pelosi, Michael Burry, and Warren Buffett. Users connect their existing brokerage account (such as Robinhood, TD Ameritrade, and Webull), and the trading bots will make the investment decisions to buy or sell stocks/ETFs based on the person/ investing style...Composer on the other hand let’s you invest in pre-built strategies in minutes like "Copy Warren Buffett", "Copy Ray Dalio" or "Copy David Swensen.'"
Please login to commentBy Hicbd
"Roy focused on putting technology skills in the hands of the least educated and most scorned people in the community — because they were the ones who most needed the help and because he believed that nurturing dignity and self-confidence were crucial elements of overcoming poverty...So Barefoot College takes illiterate villagers — most of them Dalits or women — and trains them in technical skills such as solar panel installation. With funding from foundations, donations and the Indian government, the college also runs literacy classes, health campaigns, a water resources department, study centers and a sanitary pad factory."
Please login to commentPopcorn flour could make pancakes / other foods
By Hicbd
"He sought to find a pancake recipe that was both light and nutrient dense enough to support her during her performances. However, when no whole grain pancake proved to have what he was looking for, he got to creating his own mix consisting of popcorn flour and would go on to include blue corn flour and gluten free options."
Please login to commentTires could contribute less to air pollution
By Hicbd
"Tire pollution is a pressing problem for all vehicles, including EVs, so while we can’t make a tire last forever, we can make them last a lot longer and pollute a lot less. Enso’s technology, values and scalable business model helps to clean our air, paving the way for a better future for us all. By doubling tire durability, we can halve tire pollution, it’s as simple as that."
Please login to commentFDA warning letters could be more effective
By Hicbd
"F.D.A. warning letters do not require that patients be notified about a product’s potential problems, posing an ethical dilemma for clinicians, according to medical ethics experts. Even in the absence of a formal requirement, they said, there is often a moral obligation to inform patients, especially regarding new or untested treatments, but other considerations can get in the way."
Please login to commentNicotine products / gum / lozenges could be better / help people quit
By Hicbd
"Most non-tobacco nicotine products are poorly designed and unappealing to use. The leading gum is sold like a pharmaceutical drug, with flavoring and packaging to match. Vapes provide a cumbersome, over-the-top experience — with use as tightly restricted as cigarette smoking itself, but more juvenile, conspicuous, and highly addictive...Our first product is designed to appeal to smokers and encourage them to switch."
Please login to commentBusiness Development Corporations (BDCs) could be good investments
By Hicbd
"BDCs typically raise money from public stock investors that they then lend to small, often private, companies...The fat yields on BDCs come with a catch: Unlike a standard fixed-pay bond, the payouts aren’t set in stone. What the shareholder actually receives depends on what the BDC earns from its investments. BDCs could end up paying dividends that are smaller—or larger—than projected. They are also typically taxed at a higher rate than most dividends paid out by corporations. Among the risks? BDCs typically don’t fare well in recessionary periods."
Please login to commentAsian night markets could be around
By Hicbd
"Night markets or night bazaars are street markets which operate at night and are generally dedicated to more leisurely strolling, shopping, and eating than more businesslike day markets. They are typically open-air markets popular in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Chinatowns in several other regions of the world...By 2019, night markets can be found in Auckland seven nights a week. Typically, night markets in Auckland are being held in shopping mall carparks. They offer food from Asia and Europe, as well as Maori and Pacific cuisines."
Please login to commentHealthcare could be more preventative / preventative doctors could exist / genetics could be used
By Hicbd
"If the U.S. Congress truly wants to fix the broken health care infrastructure, they would allocate a small portion of the trillion-dollar budget towards building a pipeline of public health-trained preventive medicine physicians."
Please login to commentAntenatal corticosteroids / probiotics could help newborn babies survive
By Hicbd
"If a doctor sees that a mother is going to give birth prematurely, they can give her antenatal corticosteroids, or ACS. The ACS “exercises” the fetus’s lungs, which accelerates their growth, packing a few weeks’ worth of maturation in just a few days...Studies show these probiotics help babies gain an additional 5 grams of weight per day in the late stages of pregnancy and can improve baby’s growth when given to the baby after birth."
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