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The Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) could be safer

By Hicbd

"That’s why Michel, who lost his daughter on the PCH, started a petition for safety improvements to turn this highway into a symbol of joy, not sorrow. Urging CalTrans to reduce speed limits, implement quick-build traffic calming measures, and devise a comprehensive plan, Michel seeks support in making the Pacific Coast Highway safer."


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Los Angeles (city) California Malibu (city)


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Patent filing / patents expiring could lead to business formation

By Hicbd

"The majority of patents are never commercially exploited or licensed - this site provides a way to browse recently expired patents to find hidden gems and get inspired by existing inventions. The site uses the recently released USPTO-API to fetch newly expired patents each day."


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Entrepreneurship Patents Business / Invention Idea


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Computing could be quantum

By Hicbd

"Advances in quantum computing are bringing us closer to a world where new types of computers may solve problems in minutes that would take today's supercomputers millions of years. Today's transistor-based computers have their limitations, but quantum computers could give us answers to problems in physics, chemistry, engineering and medicine that currently seem impossible."


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Research Computers Business / Invention Idea Data


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Painter tape could entertain children during travel

By Hicbd

"Another avid traveler says she uses painter’s tape to create stickers and a play mat on the tray table of airplanes and to tape over outlets and any dangling items in hotel rooms. 'This is your babyproofing workhorse,' she gushed as she held up a thick roll of blue painter’s tape."


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Travel / Vacations Parenting Toys / Stuffed Animals Toddler / Preschoolers


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The FDA (or independent private organizations) could test drug safety

By Hicbd

"The FDA doesn’t regularly test either ingredients or the finished products. During inspections, it primarily checks to see how well companies follow manufacturing procedures rather than conduct its own sampling. When the regulator does find problems, it typically relies on the company to voluntarily take action to address the root cause...All of this helps to explain why independent testing, and Victor Suarez’s collaboration with Valisure at the Department of Defense in particular, touched off such an intense bureaucratic struggle this year."


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Personal Health U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Consumer Protection / Safety Business / Invention Idea Drug / Treatment Safety Medicine Pharmacies Lawsuits / Personal Injury


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U.S. organ transplantation supply logistics / guidelines for use / suppliers could be better

By Hicbd

"Faulty logistics, lack of proper care, and inefficient software often prevent organs from reaching those who need them, resulting in unnecessary deaths. Better organizing and matching processes are urgently needed. Only 2% of deaths occur in circumstances suitable for organ donation, making it even more crucial to address the issues in the current system and maximize its potential."


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Organ Donations / Transplantations U.S. Healthcare Business / Invention Idea U.S. Government Contracting / Procurement Global Supply Chain Management U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Monopolies / Anti-Competitive Software as a Service (SaaS)


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QSBS could be a valuable tax exemption for owning / investing in small businesses

By Hicbd

"The Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) tax exemption may allow you to avoid 100% of the capital gains taxes incurred when you sell a stake in a startup or small business...If you own a stake (or plan to invest) in a startup or small business, you need to know about an important tax planning tool available to you. If you qualify, you may be able to avoid federal taxes on any and all capital gains you realize when you exit."


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U.S. Taxes Entrepreneurship Small Businesses / SMEs Corporate / Business Taxes Investing / Portfolio Management Personal Income / Finance / Money Stock / Equity / Securities / Day Trading


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Cribs could have mesh sides instead of bars

By Hicbd

"Say hello to the Breathable™ Mesh 3-in-1 Convertible Crib. It combines the strength and integrity of traditional wood cribs with the peace of mind that‘s possible only with our patented breathable mesh. Cool, unrestricted ventilation. Zero risk of arms or legs getting stuck between slats. No pacifiers thrown out. No more cries."


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Parenting Business / Invention Idea Infant / Baby Care Cribs / Bassinets Industrial / Product Design


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Rocking / inclines / vibrations / non-breathable sides could be unsafe in baby bassinets

By Hicbd

"In May 2022, the Safe Sleep for Babies Act was signed into law, banning bumper pads and inclined sleepers — two products that have been associated with dozens of infant deaths — from being manufactured and sold in the U.S. It can also be extremely dangerous for babies to sleep in other devices, including bouncers, swings and rockers. In June 2022, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CSPS) warned parents not to let their babies sleep in rockers, citing at least 13 infant deaths."


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Parenting Consumer Protection / Safety Infant / Baby Care Cribs / Bassinets


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Social clubs could be developed for automotive aficionados

By Hicbd

"With a one-of-a-kind blend of premium storage services and immersive social events, WAREHOUSE Motorclub offers an unparalleled community for automotive aficionados. Members gain access to a meticulously designed storage facility that caters to the unique needs of their vehicles, while also enjoying exclusive gatherings, track days, and off-road adventures like never before."


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Cars / Automobiles Business / Invention Idea Motorcycles / Vespas Social / Country Clubs


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