Tongue ties could be overprescribed for babies / beneficial for adults
By Hicbd
"Approximately 3.5 to 5 percent of all people are born with tongue-tie. Additionally, some doctors recommend parents hold off on tongue-tie surgery in infants, stating that the lingual frenulum tends to loosen over time. However, some research has shown that the frenulum cannot be stretched, due to its makeup of collagen cells...A tongue-tie can significantly affect your health and wellbeing in adulthood. The most common side effects can impact everything from your oral and dental health to your ability to sleep."
Please login to commentSnowmen signs could be made for neighbors
By Hicbd
"While recovering from knee surgery, Parker, 65, launched what she dubbed “Project Snowflake,” making the first 40 snowmen by painting on wooden cutouts. To date she has made about 500 snowmen that she has placed near the front doors of the town's 142 homes — and to people in neighboring towns who've heard about her work and requested some, too."
Please login to commentPerimenopause / menopause UTIs could be prevented / treated with estrogen
By Hicbd
"But guess what? We can prevent GSM for women in perimenopause and menopause by giving them a safe, incredibly low dose of vaginal oestrogen, which plumps the tissue back up again, feeds the vaginal microbiome and reduces UTIs by 50%, according to the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. It’s safe for most breast cancer patients, too, it’s a win-win on the sex front and you can take it alongside normal HRT."
Please login to commentNoon year's eve could be celebrated
By Hicbd
"This genius kid party trend is centered around counting down to 12 p.m. instead of 12 a.m. so nobody gets left out of New Year's Eve fun or messes up their bedtime routine. Plus, if done right, your Noon Year's Eve party will have the kiddos tired out just in time for the adult festivities to begin. Pretty smart, right?"
Please login to commentChristmas / the holidays could have pikkujoulut
By Hicbd
"But for the average Finn, counting down to Christmas doesn't require a trip to see Saint Nick. The holiday fun begins as early as the start of November in homes, offices, schools and even bowling alleys across the nation at pikkujoulut or "little Christmas" parties: festive events designed to celebrate the anticipation of the forthcoming holiday. And given their frequency and trademark hijinks, they make Finland the Christmas season's supreme yuler."
Please login to commentBreath / relaxation versus pushing could be more effective during childbirth labor
By Hicbd
"There is a growing understanding that in the majority of cases it is not really necessary or helpful to push the baby out. Pushing can cause vaginal and labial tearing as well as damage to the pelvic floor, whereas focusing on the breath and relaxation allows the body to birth the baby when it is ready."
Please login to commentKids could be dressed for school the night before
By Hicbd
"Rachel readily admits this won’t work forever, nor will it work for everyone. However, letting her child sleep in the clothes he’ll wear to school the next day certainly cuts down on some of the biggest morning stressors for moms and kids, like picking out and putting on those clothes in a timely manner."
Please login to commentScreening for small placentas could prevent 30% of stillbirths
By Hicbd
"Kliman imagines a sonogram tech taking the EPV measurements as standard of care at every anatomy scan and in cases of decreased fetal movement...He explains that even if a doctor did EPV measurements for a patient, with the pure intention of offering the best possible care, doing so when EPV isn’t part of the standard of care could open up the provider to being sued."
Please login to commentExtreme sledding could take place on ski slopes
By Hicbd
"But sledding in Switzerland, where it is called sledging in English, is different. Here, locals heading to ski mountains tote lightweight, ash-framed mini-sleighs on trains alongside those with skis, snowboards and trekking poles. For visitors, ski shops rent sturdy touring versions to access ski areas that maintain networks of sledding-specific runs often classified for their difficulty, like downhill ski slopes."
Please login to commentUK's NHS could have more dentists / funding
By Hicbd
"The issue? The UK has a shortage of dentists.The country also ranked third from the bottom among the OECD’s 22 mostly rich nations in terms of access in 2021. Problems with the central government funding system have compounded the problem, meaning millions cannot access a low-priced dentist in the UK's state-run National Health Service."
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