Genetically engineered cows could produce insulin
By Hicbd
"Hundreds of millions of people rely on insulin for survival, but shortages can impact prices — along with people’s health. Now, a new study proposes using transgenic cows to create human insulin in their milk, a process that's much more efficient than the current, transgenic yeast/bacteria method. Although scientists have proven the concept, it'll still be awhile before an insulin-producing transgenic cow passes FDA approval."
Please login to commentTylenol (acetaminophen) could ease emotional pain but dull pleasure
By Hicbd
"A 2010 study found that acetaminophen eases emotional pain the same way it might help with a headache. When researchers used MRIs to examine brain activity, they discovered that acetaminophen reduces the neural responses in brain regions associated with distress caused by social rejection."
Please login to commentThe disability cliff in adulthood could not exist / intentional communities could be created
By Hicbd
"Yet once they age out of special education—usually at 22—many young adults with developmental disabilities find a reality that is very different from the one they had gotten used to. When they lose their federal entitlement to special education, they are thrown into an underfunded and uncoordinated system in which few services are available as a matter of right. They must now contend with services from a variety of providers, financed by a variety of agencies, most of which are not sufficiently funded to cover everyone, and many of which are far too bureaucratic and insufficiently focused on ensuring that their clients can spend meaningful days integrated in community life. They fall, in other words, off the cliff."
Please login to commentHandpicked, ripe cherries could produce the best coffee
By Hicbd
"Selective harvesting allows for only the ripest coffee cherries to be chosen. This results in a higher quality of beans, as underripe or overripe cherries can negatively impact the flavor. Handpicking enables workers to assess the cherries individually, ensuring that only the highest quality beans make it into the final product. This level of quality control is challenging to achieve with machines."
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"Enter Fatma, a nurse dispatcher for the m-mama referral system — a hotline staffed by nurses who can seamlessly connect pregnant women or new moms experiencing complications with local transportation. These moms may be in need of an ambulance or community driver to transport them as efficiently as possible to a precise health facility equipped to provide them with vital and often lifesaving health services."
Please login to commentBy Hicbd
"If you want to see the most hilarious race in the world, line up a group of crawling babies across from a parent and say 'Ready, set, go!' That's exactly the scenario that played out at a Savannah Bananas baseball game, and the result was one for the record books."
Please login to commentEaster egg hunts could be done by flashlight
By Hicbd
"Egg hunts aren’t just for the little kids! Don’t miss the City of Berkeley’s Flashlight Egg Hunt for teens. Participants will enjoy a special after dark egg hunt, complete with glow-in-the-dark eggs and a chance to win a grand prize of a Nintendo Switch. Bring your friends and get your hunt on! Don’t forget to bring your flashlights."
Please login to commentBaby elephants could drink goat milk
By Hicbd
"An elephant orphanage in Kenya is testing goat milk as a food for its small herd as a potentially healthier and cheaper form of nutrition than human baby formula - a solution that also puts money back into the pockets of the local community. The Reteti Elephant Sanctuary, in Samburu County in the semi-arid scrublands of northern Kenyan, helps to rescue orphaned and abandoned elephant calves."
Please login to commentLiquid ready-to-feed infant formula could be safer than powdered
By Hicbd
"But information about the risk of cronobacter infections is not trickling down to parents of healthy, full-term babies, who remain vulnerable to infection until about 2 or 3 months, according to experts. New parents are often sent home from the hospital with free samples of powdered formula — and they are rarely urged toward what food safety experts say is a safer and widely available alternative: sterile, ready-to-drink formula sealed at the factory."
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"If it weren’t for her OB-GYN, Dr. Thaïs Aliabadi, Munn said she wouldn’t have been diagnosed for another year. Aliabadi recommended Munn have her breast cancer risk assessment score calculated to determine her likelihood of having breast cancer...So, Munn underwent an MRI, an ultrasound and a biopsy."
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