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Hicbd's Ideas

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Low-cost, easy to use / maintain, irrigation pumps could be available to small-scale farmers

By Hicbd

"KickStart designs and mass markets simple, money-making tools that open up business opportunities for poor smallholder farmers...These low-cost ($35 and $100 USD) pumps are sold in local retail shops (KickStart works with factories, shippers, distributors and dealers to ensure that our pumps are made widely available and accessible to poor communities and in rural areas), and once purchased, enable farmers to move from rain-fed farming to irrigated agriculture at which point they can grow crops year-round and sell their crops at a profit during the dry season when prices are high."


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Social Enterprises / Entrepreneurship Irrigation Business / Invention Idea Impact / Philanthropy / Social Good Investing Capital Global Nutrition / Hunger / Food Security / Famines / Malnutrition / Stunting Global Agriculture / Smallholder Farms Developing Countries Engineering


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A digital library / wikipedia could be provided in areas with unreliable, slow internet

By Hicbd

"Our major focus is the eGranary Digital Library. Hailed as a new way of delivering the world's knowledge to the seven out of eight people who cannot access the Internet, the eGranary Digital Library puts millions of documents at the fingertips of those at educational institutions in developing countries without using an Internet connection. The few schools in the developing world with connections to the Internet spend enormous amounts of money for slow and unreliable connections. The eGranary Digital Library overcomes this problem by storing huge amounts of information on hard drives inside a school's internal network."


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Libraries International Development / Foreign Aid / NGOs Global Internet Access / Digital Inclusion Global Rural Areas / Villages Wikipedia Nonprofit / NGO Idea Developing Countries


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Flowers could create carpets

By Hicbd

"They’re not only breathtakingly beautiful, colorful, fragrant and a perfect photo opportunity, but the ultimate in fleeting art and design. This ephemeral folk art is made mostly by dedicated volunteers in many countries, like Italy, India, Spain, Portugal, and Guatemala. Whole families and local groups participate in making flower carpets in imaginative designs that often depict local fauna, flora, landmarks, cultural symbols and religious figures."


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Tourism / Attractions Flowers Carpet / Rugs


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Preschool / parent education could improve with parent volunteers

By Hicbd

"Kindergarten teachers and district education officials train mothers who volunteer to run educational play schemes. The educational games give pre-school children the chance to gain information, ideas, and skills in a stimulating and caring environment and encourage them to think creatively and solve problems...The key to the program is to shift the mindsets and behaviors of parents so they realize that despite their economic situation and their own limited education, they have the power and the means to make a change for their children."


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International Development / Foreign Aid / NGOs Child Development / Care Parenting Literacy / Reading Volunteering Preschool / Pre-K / Daycares / Early Childhood Education (ECE) Global Education Nonprofit / NGO Idea Global Women Empowerment / Gender Equality Developing Countries


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Kids could learn about / know daily routines / schedules

By Hicbd

"When kids know what’s coming, everyone can breathe a little easier. That’s the primary sentiment behind Charmspring...The key to that family harmony? Established routines. The brand launches today with their first product, the Springboard, a beautiful, streamlined and, importantly, very kid-friendly routine board that helps even the littlest family members take ownership of their daily schedule."


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Child Development / Care Parenting Toys / Stuffed Animals Business / Invention Idea Daily Routines


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The perfume / fragrance industry could be more transparent / ethical

By Hicbd

"'Lying about what natural raw materials they purportedly put in the bottle—that should be banned, unless the natural material is actually in the stuff at some decent percentage,” Turin says. 'What should also be banned is changing compositions and keeping the name. That too is false advertising.'...There's also the issue about perfumer and supply-chain transparency. “Who is the visionary behind the scent? Where are ingredients sourced, and are the local communities properly respected and compensated?'"


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Laws Consumer Protection / Safety Environmental Chemicals Beauty Products / Makeup Government Regulation / Oversight Perfume / Cologne / Fragrances Lawsuits / Personal Injury


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Radical acceptance could be useful in therapy

By Hicbd

"Radical acceptance means practicing a conscious effort to acknowledge and honor difficult situations and emotions. Fully accepting things as they are, instead of ignoring, avoiding, or wishing the situation were different, can be a critical step in moving through a difficult experience to experiencing more meaning. The concept of radical acceptance falls under dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), which balances change-oriented goals with acceptance to help people regulate emotions, limit dysfunctional thinking, and improve motivation."


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Quality of Life / Happiness / Success Therapy / Counseling / Healing


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Fentanyl detection capability could be improved at the U.S. / Mexico border

By Hicbd

"Commissioner Troy Miller, a 30-year veteran of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, told us almost all the fentanyl coming into the country is smuggled through legal ports of entry like here at San Ysidro, between San Diego and Tijuana. It's the busiest land port in the Western Hemisphere...More than 60,000 cars snake through 34 lanes 24-7. Officers have a minute or less to decide who gets a second look, and they only have the resources to search 8% of the cars. Dogs trained to sniff out fentanyl are some of their best assets. The cartels are constantly adapting, for example, hiding pills in gas tanks to mask the scent."


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Business / Invention Idea Opioid Addiction / Epidemic U.S. Department of Homeland Security U.S. / Mexico Border Dogs / Puppies Drug Cartels U.S. National Security / Intelligence U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)


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Electric cars could be lighter to prevent pollution / safety issues

By Hicbd

"EVs are typically 30% heavier than gas-powered vehicles, which can cause their brakes and tires to wear out faster. This wear and tear can release toxic particles into the atmosphere....Some say that the extra weight of EVs, especially electric trucks and SUVs, can pose a risk to other drivers and pedestrians in a collision...Physical damage to an EV's high-voltage battery or vehicle can cause the immediate or delayed release of toxic and/or flammable gases and fire."


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Business / Invention Idea Air Quality / Pollution / Smog Car Accidents / Traffic Fatalities / Road Safety Electric Vehicles (EVs) / Cars Government Regulation / Oversight U.S. Department of Transportation Industrial / Product Design Engineering


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Dogs / pets could be prescribed for depression

By Hicbd

"A strong advocate for dogs as a form of therapy, Middleton tells PEOPLE, "An ambition [of mine] is to get dogs to be on a prescription from doctors because I think there is an undeniable amount of things that dogs can do for us. [They] get us up in the morning and outside.'"


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Personal Health Pets Depression Mental Health Therapy / Counseling / Healing


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